Pakistan Air Force Civilian Jobs


Latest Pakistan Air Force Jobs October 2021

Pakistan Air Force invites job applications from civilian candidates in following categories.

Job Details: 

Foreman Afr Fitter Matric with 03 years Diploma in Engineering (Mechanical) form a Govt recognized Technical Institute with a minimum of 10 years practical experience in a Government organization / firm of repute.
Foreman ACF Matric with 03 years Diploma in Engineering (Mechanical / Chemical) form a Govt recognized Technical Institute with a minimum of 10 years practical experience in a Government organization / firm of repute.
Foreman Eng Fitt Matric with 03 years Diploma in Engineering (Mechanical / Automobile) form a Govt recognized Technical Institute with a minimum of 10 years practical experience in a Government organization / firm of repute.
Foreman MT Fitter Matric with 03 years Diploma in Engineering (Mechanical / Automobile) form a Govt recognized Technical Institute with a minimum of 10 years practical experience in a Government organization / firm of repute.
Laboratory Foreman BSc (Physics / Chemistry) with 02 years experience of Laboratory work.
Assistant Graduate with relevant typing speed and preference will be given to computer literate.
Assistant Foreman Afr Fitt Matric with 03 years Diploma in Engineering (Mechanical) form a Govt recognized Technical Institute with a minimum of 07 years practical experience in a Government organization / firm of repute.
Assistant Foreman Armt Fitt Matric with 03 years Diploma in Engineering (Mechanical) form a Govt recognized Technical Institute with a minimum of 07 years practical experience in a Government organization / firm of repute.
Assistant Foreman Carpenter Matric with 03 years Diploma in Engineering (Wood works / Carpenter Technology) form a Govt recognized Technical Institute with a minimum of 07 years practical experience in a Government organization / firm of repute.
Assistant Foreman Painter Matric with 03 years Diploma in Engineering (Chemical) form a Govt recognized Technical Institute with a minimum of 07 years practical experience in a Government organization / firm of repute.
Stenotypist Intermediate with short-hand speed 80 wpm and typing speed 40 wpm and computer literate
Overseer (B&R) Matric with Diploma in Civil engineering from a recognized Engineering Institute and msut have practical experience
Upper Division Clerk (UDC) Intermediate with typing speed 20 wpm on computer key board and preference will be given to computer literate.
Charge Hand (Boiler) Matric with 03 years diploma in engineering (Mechanical) from a Govt recognized Technical Institution.
Charge Hand (Carpenter) Matric with 03 years diploma in engineering (Wood works / Carpenter Technology) from a Govt recognized Technical Institution.
Charge Hand/ (Eng Fitt) Matric with 03 years diploma in engineering (Mechanical / Automobile) from a Govt recognized Technical Institution.
Charge Hand (LSET) Matric with 03 years diploma in engineering (Textile / Fabric Technology) from a Govt recognized Technical Institution.
Charge Hand (MTF) Matric with 03 years diploma in engineering (Mechanical / Automobile) from a Govt recognized Technical Institution.
Charge Hand (Painter) Matric with 03 years diploma in engineering (Chemical) from a Govt recognized Technical Institution.
Labman BSc (Physics / Chemistry), experience of Laboratory work desirable.
Assistant Store Keeper (ASK-LD) Intermediate, experience of store keeping desirable.
Lower Division Clerk (LDC) Matric with typing speed 30 wpm on computer key board and preference will be given to computer literate
Medical Assistant (i) Matric with Diploma in Male Nursing on any other Paramedical Sub Trade (ii) Ex-servicemen having passed class / Grade-II examination of his trade / sub trade.
Librarian Intermediate with certificate in Library Science
Lab Tech FSc with 2nd division and one year Diploma in Computer hardware from any Govt. recognized institution.
Anti Malaria Supervisor – I FSc (Medical) and trained in Anti-Malaria and Hygiene / Sanitation duties. Must be thoroughly conversant with anti-malaria stores & equipment and must be energetic and physically fit for strenuous filed work.
Physical Training Instructor (PTI) Intermediate with diploma in physical education
Ground Signaler Operator Matric with Elective science and typing speed 30 wpm on Computer key board.
Male Nurse Matriculation with Nursing certificate issued by nursing council of Pakistan
Midwife Must be in sound bodily health and a) a registered Midwife and B Division nurse OR b) A registered Midwife with 1 1 /4 years training OR c) A registered Leady Health Visitor OR d) A registered Senior or Junior Grade Midwife
Laboratory Attendant Matric with Science
Patwari Matric with Patwari qualified certificate. Experience in the relevant filed preferable.
STM Technicians Matric and practical experience of technical job in the trade desirable.
Driver (MTDs) Must be able to read and write the local language and must have working knowledge of English language. Must be in possession o f Heavy Driving license. In additional must have driving experience of 02 year and before employment must pass driving test to the standard prescribed by Air HQ Ex servicemen of the same trade may also be employed
Cook (Male) Must have fair knowledge of his trade.

How To Apply For Airforce Recruitment 2021

  • Candidates willing to apply for Airforce Recruitment 2021 Must Register through given below link.
  • Registration Process Will start from 27-09-2021 to 10-10-2021 at the Official Website.
  • Candidates must upload scanned copies of all documents and keep them in a safe place for later use.
  • Candidates must Provide Correct email and Phone no as this will later use for Information about Test Date and other Purpose
  • Last date to Apply for For PAF Jobs 2021 Announcement is 10-10-2021
  • Only shortlisted candidates will be called for test/interview. No TA / DA will be admissible.
  • Pakistan Airforce reserves the right not to fill the post or withhold an appointment against the advertised post.

Apply Online Click Here

Job Announcement:


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