Health Department KPK Jobs


Latest Jobs in Health Department KPK July 2021

Health Department Khyber Pakhtunkhwa invites applications from qualified and experienced individuals domiciled in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa for various posts of Hospital Management Structure purely on contract basis for the project “REVAMPING OF NON-TEACHING DHQ HOSPITALS IN KHYBER PAKHTUNKHWA” (ADP # 2020-21:200049). The following posts are offered on contract basis for a period of 1 year under project policy of the Government of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa further extendible as per prevalent Government policy at that time.

Name of post Qualification Criteria
Procurement & Logistics Officer  1. Age: Maximum up to 35 years
2. B.Sc. Engineering / B. Pharm/ MBA/MPA/LLB/ CA/ACCA/ACMA/M. Com/ Masters in Supply Chain Management/ Total Quality Management/ Information Technology/ Human Resource Management /Project Management/ Public Policy/ Masters in Sciences/ Social Sciences or Equivalent from an HEC recognized university
3. 1-year experience of procurement of goods and services/ supply chain services/ logistic and fleet management/ warehousing and inventory management/ clearing and forwarding
Admin & HR Officer  1. Age: Maximum up to 35 years
2. MBA/MPA/LLB/ CA/ACCA/ACMA/M. Com/ Masters in Supply Chain Management/ Total Quality Management/ Information Technology/ Human Resource Management
/Project Management/ Public Policy/ Masters in Sciences/ Social Sciences or Equivalent from an HEC recognized university
3. 1-year experience in office administration/ human resource management.
IT & Statistical Officer  1. Age: Maximum up to 35 years
2. Masters’ in Computer Science/ MCS / BSCS (Hons) / MBA / BS Computer Engineering/ Software Engineering or equivalent from an HEC recognized University
3. 1 year’s post degree experience of ICT operations/ networking/ database management/software development/web development/android development/automation analysis.
Finance & Budget Officer 1. Age: Maximum up to 35 years
2. ACCA/CA Inter/ACMA/MBA (Finance)/ M.Com or equivalent
3. 1 year post degree experience in financial management/accounting/ financial audit
Assistant Admin Officer 1. Age: Maximum up to 35 years
2. MBA/MPA/LLB/ CA/ACCA/ACMA/M. Com/ Masters in Supply Chain Management/ Total Quality Management/ Information Technology/ Human Resource Management
/Project Management/ Public Policy/ Masters in Sciences/ Social Sciences or Equivalent from an HEC recognized University


  1. Candidates will be provisionally allowed to appear in the ETEA screening test. However detailed scrutiny will be carried out by the appointing authority and if any candidate is found ineligible in any respect at any stage of the recruitment process, he/she will be disqualified by the appointing
  2. Interview call letters will be issued to short listed candidates.
  3. Short listing will be based on the Screening Test conducted by ETEA as well as” selection criteria” duly notified in project policy of Government of Khyber
  4. Candidates should be eligible in all respects by the last date of receipt of the
  5. Incomplete applications and applications received after due dates will not be
  6. Relaxation of age will NOT be
  7. The candidates working in Government/Semi-Government bodies should apply through proper
  8. Candidates intending to apply for more than one post shall apply separately for each post with separate fee for ETEA Number of vacancies can be increased/decreased.
  9. Competent Authority reserves the right to cancel/reject any application with assigning
  10. No TA/DA will be admissible for test/Interview.
  11. In case of foreign degree, equivalent certificates from HEC must be
  12. Recruitment process shall be governed by the latest provisions of the project policy of the Government of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa
  13. Errors/Omissions in number of posts are subject to


  1. Interested candidates may visit given below link for apply online.
  2. After successful submission of online application, a prescribed UBL online deposit slip (having token number, Project code & candidates’ personal information) will be
  3. Take a printout of the generated UBL deposit slip & deposit Rs. 500/- (for BPS-16 & below) and Rs. 700/- (for BPS-17 & above) as test fee (non-refundable) in any branch of UBL Bank or at UBL OMNI agent on that prescribed printed deposit slip of
  4. After successful fee submission, please keep the original deposit slip (candidate copy) having bank desired stamp with yourself and do not share it with anyone
  5. After applying online, DONNOT send documents/testimonials to ETEA office, copies of testimonials/documents will however, be provided by the candidates who qualify the screening test, as and when required by ETEA or the appointing authority for scrutiny
  6. Last date for submission of online Application is 23rd July, 2021
  7. Candidates will be informed through SMS by ETEA to download and Print their Roll No. Slips from
  8. Candidates are directed not to give ported/converted mobile
  9. Test Date, Time & Venue will be mentioned on Roll Slip.
  10. No separate Call Letter will be issued to candidates for screening test through postal/courier


  • Please keep your documents and passport size scanned picture (soft copy) with you at the time of online
  • Read the instructions thoroughly before filling the online application
  • ETEA shall verify deposited fee at any If your payment is not verified, your candidature shall be rejected.
  • Fee deposited on someone else CNIC shall not be
  • Unclaimed qualification will not be
  • Keep the bank printed receipt safe with yourself and do not share it with anyone
  • Applications of all those candidates who do not give correct information while filling the online application form, will not only be rejected, but would be proceeded against and strict action shall be taken against


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