Aviation Flight (RW) Govt of Punjab Jobs


Latest Jobs in Aviation Flight (RW) Govt of Punjab June 2020

Applications are invited for recruitment against one post of Airframe Mechanic in Aviation Fight (Rotary Wm) Old Terminal Lahore Airport, Government of the Punjab, S&GAD, for Ml-171E Helicopter on contract basis initially for a period of three years. The required
qualifications I criteria of the said post is as under.-


  1. Minimum qualifications Secondary School Certificate I Matric (Science) or equivalent, higher qualifications may be preferred.
  2. Quaffed on Mi-171 I 172 Helicopter Airframe & Systems however preferably from PCAA approved in country or abroad institute.
  3. Minimum experience should have 15 years of maintenance on Mi-1711 172 helicopters Airframe; preference may be given to Crew Chief & experience on civil registered Mi•171 I 172 Helicopter.
  4. Medical category: Minimum Category-A & shall meet PCAA medical criteria: candidates to submit Medical Fitness Certificate alongwith medical blood reports (Sugar, fasting& non-fasting, LFTs &PCR) duly endorsed by specialist from CMH I MH or Government Hospital.
  5. A technical examination on Aviation Maintenance in general and Mi-1711 172 Airframe Maintenance in particular will be conducted. The candidates must obtain 50% marks in written Technical examination of his trade to qualify for interview
  6. Only shafted candidates win be called for Technical examination.
  7. Candidate with low medical category or retired from Armed Forces on low category or down categorized in the past and not upgraded by same service will not be
  8. Any candidate removed from service on disciplinary grounds or prematurely retired from Armed Forces will not be considered.
  9. Candidate securing maximum marks in written test and interview will be selected. It is a contract appointment for initial period of three years and extendable to age limit as permissible in KM Regulations depending upon candidate’s discipline, performance and medical fitness.
  10. Less than 55 years of age on date of submission of application, however relaxation in upper age limit may be considered in case candidate having rich experience (more than 15 years) & Qualifications on Civil Registered MI-171 helicopter Airframe.
  11. Pay & Allowance: Basic Pay Rs.80,0001- with Allowances as admissible to the other technicians of Aviation Right (RIM, S&GAD, as per existing rules/ policy.


  1. Incomplete applications or applications received after due date will not be
  2. Only the shodlisted candidates will be called for interview.
  3. Final selection will be made subject to security clearance from the concerned
  4. Decision of the competent authority will be final.
  5. Government I Semi Government servants should apply through proper channel.
  6. NOC from the present department I office is necessary.
  7. No TN DA will to admissible.

Note:• The candidates who have already applied for the post with reference to the earlier advertisement published vide IPL No.9934, in daily newspapers on 29.10.2019, no need to submit their applications again. Fresh candidates for the  post of Airframe Mechanic shall submit their applications; copy of CINC, 03 passport size photographs, copes of academic certificates and all other relevant documents in the office of undersigned till “10th July, 2020 (4:00 PM)”.


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