Top 10 World’s Fattest Countries


Everyone is taken as Fattest if their BMI (Body Mass Index) is twenty five or greater and Fattest along with a BMI or thirty or greater. The admiration of the advancements in medical technological techniques has shown the improvements in the life span of individuals all over the globe. Technologies have surely enhanced our lives although the modification in life styles and appearance of individuals’ interest in fast food and such junkies item have allegedly improved the reasons of Fattest people between the mass of the people.

Overweight or the Fattest bodies are the extreme in form when the whole body obtains far more bodyweight above the optimum prescribed level. The Fattest body structures are a seriously healthcare concerning and in the current day because it is accountable for improved heart relevant issues and different other diseases involving the cancer.

Processed meals are taken as great calorie diet and lower exercising are all accountable for the rise of Fattest people. The reports are handled by the WHO (World Health Company) identifies the ten nations as the Fattest Countries on the globe considering usual fitness and average bodyweight of the inhabitants.  It is about that time which the officially taken stringent measure to deal with this fattest bodies matter and educates the individuals on the risks and how with nutritive meals and exercising they could be back to being physically fitness.

Larger than the 16 million individual on the globe are either fattest or overweight, concerning to majorities of reports provided by the World Health Company.

List of Top Ten Countries

Rank Country Name Fattest Percentage
1.  Nauru Nauru 94.5
2.  Federated States of Micronesia Federated States of Micronesia  91.1
3.  cook-islands-flag-icon Cook Islands 90.9
4.  Tonga Tonga  90.8
5.  niue Niue 81.7
6.  Samoa Samoa  80.4
7.  Palau Palau 78.4
8.  Kuwait.svg Kuwait 74.2
9.  United States.svg United States  74.1
10.  Kiribati Kiribati 73.6


Q:  Which Country is the Fattest Country in the World?

Ans: The Nauru is the country which is the Fattest one in the world. Its not a good sign or a report for the Nauru people that approximately 94.5 percent people of the this country is Fattest or overweight which is really a miserable condition.


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