Top Ten Most Dangerous Earthquakes


Most Dangerous Earthquakes in the world

The Earthquakes are naturally occurring disasters which are because of the unexpected creation of power in the planets crusting, therefore, developing seismic surf. However, the Earthquakes in itself can cause large devastation in lifestyles and residence, the causing tsunamis and shoots could also promote its loss of life cost. The earthquakes on the globe both in the numbers of fatalities and scales are provided here to give you an idea of the amount of harm they have triggered.

In the present ere everyone is aware when the Earthquakes happen then it causes the journey of destruction on the outer lining area of our planet providing increase to temblors.  The concentration of earthquakes is calculated by various machines and the action of any world quake is documented on a seismograph.

Over the record of humanity, countless numbers and more worlds Earthquake have happened all over the globe that has damaged many countries. Fewer of the earthquakes are not very serious although some others are extremely destructive both with regards to the devastation of economics and residence.

The restoring initiatives from the Earthquakes would likely take years although the individual cost is amazing. Earthquakes are really dangerous in their magnitudes. Although outbreaks have stated more lifestyles overall, earthquakes have cut a higher swath of harm in the world than any other catastrophe.

List of Top Ten Most Dangerous Earthquakes

Rank Country Name Earthquake Magnitude City/Area Date
1.  Chile.svg Chile 9.5  Valdivia May 22, 1960
2.   Indonesia 9.3  Sumatra December 26, 2004
3.  United States.svg USA  9.2  Prince William Sound, Alaska March 27, 1964
4.  USSR USSR 9.0  Kamchatka  November 4, 1952
5.  Chile.svg Chile  9.0  Arica August 13, 1868
6.  Canada.svg Canada and 9.0  Cascadia subduction zone January 26, 1700
7.  Chile.svg Chile  8.8  Maule February 27, 2010
8. 23px-Flag_of_Ecuador.svgEcuador 8.8              – January 31, 1906
9.   Indonesia 8.8  Sumatra  November 25, 1833
10.  United States.svg USA  8.7  Rat Islands, Alaska February 4, 1965

Q: What is the Most Dangerous Earthquake in the World?

Ans: The most dangerous and destructive earthquake in the world was the Valdivia, Chile Earthquake during the 22nd May 1960 and the Magnitude of the earthquake was about 9.5. While the Earthquake of Sumatra, Indonesia came on the second number with a magnitude of 9.3.


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