PPSC 13 July 2020 Jobs (690 Posts)


Punjab public Service Commission 12th July 2020 Jobs

PPSC Invites online job application form in following departments for vacant posts mentioned each below:-

Post Name No of Posts Qualification & Experience
ASSISTANT ENTOMOLOGIST 1 i) M.Sc (Hons.) Agriculture  (second division) in Entomology or Plant Pathology or Plant Protection,  after having B.Sc (Hons.) in Agriculture from  a university
recognized by the Higher Education Commission; and 
  ii) T h r e e  y e a r s p o s t  q u a l i f i c a t i o n r e s e a r c h experience in the respective field.
Only Research Experience after prescribed qualification shall be considered.          
Experience in private entities shall be accepted if such entity is registered with SECP, Registrar of Firms or any other Regularity Authority.
DEPUTY DIRECTOR (FARM) 1 i) M.Sc  (second  division)  in  Agricultural Engineering
(eighteen  years  education)  from  a university
recognized by the Higher Education Commission; and 
ii) Five years post qualification experience in the field of Water Management.           
Only Research/ Practical / Administrative Experience must be acquired after prescribed qualification.      
Experience in private entities shall be accepted if such  entity is registered with SECP, Registrar of Firms or any
other Regularity Authority. 
ASSISTANT 7 Graduate from a recognized university.
ASSISTANT AGRICULTURE CHEMIST  1 i)   M.Sc  (Hons.)  Agriculture  (second  division)  in  Soil Science after having B.Sc (Hons.) in Agriculture from a university recognized by the Higher Education Commission; and       
ii) Three years post qualification experience of research in Agriculture Chemistry or Soil Science.    
Only  Research  Experience must be acquired  after prescribed qualification.        
Experience in private entities shall be accepted if such entity is registered with SECP, Registrar of Firms or any other Regularity Authority.        
ASSISTANT AGRONOMIST 14 i) M.Sc  (Hons.)  Agriculture  (second  division)  with Agronomy as a major subject from a recognized University, and
ii)  Five  years  experience  in  the  field of  Water Management.          
Only  Practical  /  Administrative  Experience must be acquired after prescribed qualification.     
Experience in private entities shall be accepted if such entity is registered with SECP, Registrar of Firms or any other Regularity Authority. 
ASSISTANT HORTICULTURIST 1 i) M.Sc (Hons.) Agriculture  (second division) in Horticulture after having B.Sc (Hons.) in Agriculture from a university recognized by the Higher Education
Commission; and
ii) Three years post qualification experience in the field of
Only Research/ Practical Experience must be acquired after prescribed qualification.
Experience in private entities shall be accepted if such entity is registered with SECP, Registrar of Firms or any other Regularity Authority.
Post Name No of Posts Qualification & Experience
LECTURER COMPUTER SCIENCE 4 i)   Master Degree in 1st Division or Grade B in the relevant subject.           
ii)  One year Postgraduate Diploma of Teaching for the Deaf   from a recognized Institute  OR  certificate of proficiency  in  Braille  issued  by  the  Directorate  of Special Education, Punjab OR B.Ed. Special Education
OR M.Ed.  Special  Education  OR  M.Ed.  (Visually Impairment).
LECTURER PUNJABI 2 i)   Master Degree in 1st Division or Grade B in the relevant subject.            
ii)  One year Postgraduate Diploma of Teaching for the Deaf   from a recognized Institute  OR  certificate of proficiency  in Braille  issued by the Directorate of Special Education, Punjab OR B.Ed. Special Education OR  M.Ed.  Special  Education  OR  M.Ed.  (Visually Impairment).
1 Master’s  Degree  (First  Division)  in  Special  Education, Business Administration, Public Administration, Economic
or Commerce from a University recognized by the Higher Education Commission.
LECTURER PAK STUDIES 2 i)   Master Degree in 1st Division or Grade B in the relevant subject.            
ii)  One year Postgraduate Diploma of Teaching for the Deaf   from  a  recognized  Institute  OR  certificate  of proficiency  in  Braille  issued  by  the  Directorate  of
Special Education, Punjab OR B.Ed. Special Education OR M.Ed.  Special  Education  OR  M.Ed.  (Visually Impairment).
LECTURER EDUCATION 5 i)   Master’s Degree in 1st Division or Grade B in the relevant subject.
ii)  One year Postgraduate Diploma of Teaching for the Deaf  from  a  recognized  Institute  OR  certificate  of proficiency  in  Braille  issued  by  the  Directorate  of Special Education, Punjab OR B.Ed. Special Education
OR  M.Ed.  Special  Education  OR  M.Ed.  (Visually Impairment).
LECTURER FINE ART 5 i)   Master’s Degree in 1st Division or Grade B in the relevant subject.        
ii)  One year Postgraduate Diploma of Teaching for the Deaf  from  a  recognized  Institute  OR  certificate  of proficiency  in  Braille  issued  by  the  Directorate  of Special Education, Punjab OR B.Ed. Special Education OR  M.Ed.  Special  Education  OR  M.Ed.  (Visually Impairment)
LIBRARIAN 5 M.A. (Library Science) in 2nd Division with one year experience in relevant field.
LECTURER IN MENTALLY RETARDED FIELD 1 M.A (Special  Education)  in  1st  Division  or Grade B with specialization in the field of Mentally Retarded.
Master’s Degree in Psychology in 1st Division or Grade B.        
LECTURER ISLAMIYAT 2 i)   Master Degree in 1st Division or Grade B in the relevant subject.
ii)  One year Postgraduate Diploma of Teaching for the  Deaf from a recognized  Institute OR
certificate of proficiency in Braille issued by the Directorate of Special   Education,  Punjab OR B.Ed.  Special  Education  OR  M.Ed.  Special
Education OR M.Ed. (Visually Impairment).
LECTURER IN BLIND FIELD 1  i) M.A. (Special Education) in 1st Division or Grade B with specialization in the field of Blind.
 ii)  Certificate of Proficiency in Braille issued by the Directorate of Special Education, Punjab or B.Ed. (Special Needs).
LECTURER URDU 4 i)   Master Degree in 1st Division or Grade B in the relevant subject.      
ii)  One year Postgraduate Diploma of Teaching for the  Deaf from a recognized  Institute OR
certificate of proficiency in Braille issued by the Directorate of Special Education, Punjab OR B.Ed. Special Education OR M.Ed. Special Education
OR M.Ed. (Visually Impairment)
AUDIOLOGIST 12 M.B.B.S with minimum six months House Job in ENT.
Registration with PMDC.
LECTURER OPHTHALMOLOGY 1  M.B.B.S with Diploma in Ophthalmology.
Candidates  should produce  certificate  of  Full  Medical Registration i.e. MBBS and Diploma in Ophthalmology from PMDC for the purposes of eligibility of the post.
Post Name No of Posts Qualification & Experience
SERVICE CENTER OFFICIALS 589 i)   B.A/ B.Sc./ B.Com/ BCS/ BIT/ BBA or equivalent (2nd division) from a recognized institution.
ii)  Minimum typing speed of 30 W.P.M. on computer.               
iii)  Six month certificate/ diploma in IT application.               
Note-1:Preference  will be  given to candidates  with at  least  01 year’s experience of Data Entry and having basic working knowledge of computer applications.
Note-2:For  MCS, BCS,  BCS (Hons.), MIT  and  BIT,  6  month  diploma  in IT Application is not mandatory.
Note-3:Certificate  /  Diploma in IT Application   only  acceptable from recognized/registered institution.
Post Name No of Posts Qualification & Experience
MIS MANAGER 1 Master’s degree (First division or Grade-B) in Computer Science or Information 
Technology or Bachelor’s Degree (Four Years) (First division or Grade-B)  in Computer Science or Information Technology from a University recognized by the Higher Education Commission; and
Five years’ experience in the field of electronic data information technology or computer programming or administration of database or system analysis.
NOTE:Only Practical Experience after prescribed qualification shall be considered.
Experience in private entities shall be accepted if such entity is registered with of their CNIC. SECP, Registrar of Firms or any other Regularity Authority.
ASSISTANT DIRECTOR 28 Master’s Degree (Second Division) in Sociology, Social Work, Public Administration, Economics,  Psychology or LLB  from recognized by the Higher Education Commission.
NETWORK SYSTEM ENGINEER 2 Master’s degree (First division or Grade-B) in Computer Science or Information 
Technology or Bachelor’s Degree (Four Years) (First division or Grade-B)  in Computer Science or Information Technology from a University recognized by the Higher Education Commission; and One year experience of Network System Administration or Trouble Shooting


  1. To appear in test/interview only Original Valid CNIC issued by NADRA will be accepted. No other Identification document will be acceptable.
  2. Applicants are advised to read all terms and conditions/ instructions of the Announcement as well as “Important/General Instructions to Candidates” given on PPSC website carefully in order to submit their Online Applications complete in all respects. The onus/ responsibility of correctness of the data given in the On-line Application Form will rest squarely on the candidates.
  3. Applicants are required to submit “On-line Application Form” by the Closing Date which is 27-07-2020 up to 12:00 AM (Midnight). Applicants should fill in the On-line Application Form carefully in the light of the Guidelines and Instructions mentioned in the Announcement for the said post and “Important/General Instructions to Candidates”.
  4. Editing options, to correct any data in the On-line Application Form, will be available to the candidates till the Closing Date of submission of Online Applications.
  5. Negative marking shall be done and 0.25 mark shall be deducted for each incorrect answer in all Objective (MCQ) papers.
  6. For all posts to be filled through written test followed by interview or interview alone, the number of chances shall be restricted to three. However, if a candidate qualifies the interview but cannot be recommended for appointment due to shortage of vacancies, his chance shall not be considered as availed whereas chance of a candidate who does not qualify the written test or interview shall be considered as availed. For the post of Lecturer in Education Department, a candidate who is applicant for more than one subject, shall be allowed three chances in each subject for which he/she is a candidate in accordance with above laid down policy.
  7. In case, a candidate claims experience of private firm / entity, he / she must bring proof at the time of interview that the firm / entity is registered with SECP, Registrar of Firms or any other Regulatory Authority, failing which his / her application shall be rejected.
  8. The candidates will ensure that after applying for a particular post they will immediately apply for Departmental Permission Certificate/NOC in their concerned Department(s) and provide the Departmental Permission Certificate/NOC at the time of interview (if called).
  9. The candidates just after applying for a particular post advertised by PPSC will ensure that they have obtained/applied for registration in PEC/PNC/PMDC/PVMC or other relevant body for Registration Certificate before the Closing Date and provide the same at the time of interview (if called).
  10. The candidates will ensure that they will provide marks obtained / total marks or percentage certificate of all degrees at the time of interview. CGPA is not acceptable.
  11. It is mandatory for Applicants to deposit Rs.600/- under Head:“C02101- ORGANIZATIONS OF STATE-TEST FEE REALIZED BY THE PUNJAB PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION”, in any Branch of State Bank of Pakistan or National Bank of Pakistan or Government Treasury on or before the Closing Date of submission of applications
    • In case, the requisition of any post is withdrawn by the Administrative Department after receipt of applications by the Commission, the candidates of that particular post can use Paid Treasury Challan of the withdrawn post against any other post (Once), advertised by the Commission within the next One Year.
    • Special Persons are not required to deposit application fee.
    • Applicants residing outside Pakistan, but having Domicile of the Punjab will deposit the fee at the Pakistani Embassy of residing country in the currency of that country equivalent to the amount of Application/ Test Fee prescribed for the post.
    • No Bank Draft or Pay Order or Cheque or any such instrument will be accepted as fee by the Commission.
  12. PPSC’s Helplines: Lahore: 042-99202762, 99200161, 99200162, Rawalpindi: 051-5158095, Faisalabad: 041-9330713, Sargodha: 048-3259710, Multan: 061-9330354, Bahawalpur: 062-2881182, D.G. Khan: 064-9260410



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