Planning & Development Department Peshawar Jobs


Latest Jobs in Planning & Development Department Peshawar December 2020

Applications are invited from Khyber Pakhtunkhwa / Merged districts candidates for appointment against the following posts in the project “Extension of M&E System to the districts in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa” on the contract bases. The required qualification and experiences are given against each post.

Position Basic Requirements
Accounts Officer (BPS-17) M.Com/  MBA  (Finance)  from  HEC  recognized University. 03 years’ experience in accounts with excellent knowledge of accounting rules/
regulations and procedures in the Government Sector only. Advanced skill of office automation including  internet  browsing  will  be  given preference.    
Assistant Director (Technical/
Civil) (BPS- 17)
B.Sc. Civil Engineering from a reputed University, with excellent skills in Office Automation and knowledge  of  Internet  and  Email  03  years’ relevant experience   in   project    planning, implementation,  monitoring  and  evaluation  of public sector development projects. 
Assistant Director (Electrical) (BPS-17) B.Sc.  Electrical  Engineering  from  a  reputed University   with   excellent   skills  in    Office Automation  and  knowledge  of  Internet  and Email.03  years  relevant   experience  in  project planning,   implementation, monitoring and evaluation of public sector development projects.
Assistant Director Monitoring (BPS-17) B.Sc. Engineering (Civil), from a reputed University with excellent skills in Office  Automation and knowledge of Internet and Email.03 years relevant experience in project planning, implementation, monitoring  and  evaluation  of  public  sector
development projects.  
Assistant Monitoring Officer (Civil) (BPS-16) Minimum DAE (Civil) excellent skills in Office Automation and knowledge of Internet and Email are must. 02 Years relevant  xperience in data  collection, surveying, feasibility, monitoring, and exploration activities under development / non- development sector.  
Assistant Monitoring Officer-NRM (BPS-16) B.Sc  (Hons)/BS  in  Agriculture/  Environmental Science/  Management,  Natural   Sciences  with excellent  skills  in  Office  Automation  and knowledge of Internet and Email.  02 Years relevant experience in data collection, conduction feasibility, and monitoring activities under development / non-development sector.
Assistant Monitory Officer-Social (BPS-16) BS/BBA Hons or Master Degree in Social Sciences, Development  Studies,  Business  Administration, Public Administration, Commerce, with excellent skills in Office Automation and knowledge of Internet and Email. 
02 Years relevant experience in data collection, conducting feasibility, and monitoring activities under development/ non-development sector.
Office/ Accountant Assistant (BPS-16) Bachelor Degree in Finance, Business Administration,  Commerce, and   Management with excellent skills in Office Automation and knowledge of Internet and Email are must.
02 Years’ experience in record keeping, diary and dispatch and should have knowledge of accounts in public/ private organization. 
Computer Operator (BPS-16) Second class Bachelor’s Degree from recognized University with one-year diploma in Information Technology from a recognized Board of Technical Education  or  Bachelor’s  Degree  in  Computer Science/ Information Technology (BCS/BIT Four
years) from a recognized university:
02 years’ experience in data entry & other office computer  related  activities.  Excellent  skills  in Office automation and knowledge of Internet and Email are must.   
Drivers (BPS-06) Matric; must possess LTV/ HTV driving license. 03 years’ experience as driver.  
Chowkidar (BPS-03) Must possess valid light Arm license
Naib Qasid (BPS-03) Literate
Sweeper (BPS-03) Literate
  1. The selection would be made purely on contract basis for Project period or up to 30th June, 2023.
  2. Only short listed candidates would be called for interview.
  3. Application form and detailed conditions/criteria are available on CTSP website
  4. Candidates serving in Government/ Semi Government Organizations should apply through proper channel.
  5. The Competent Authority has the right to decrease/ abolish the number of post(s) as per KPPRA rules.
  6. Interested candidates should apply along with attested copies of credentials, professional experience Certificates, CNIC and recent photographs and send application to CTSP Head Office at Office # 140, street No. 09. Industrial area I-10/3 Islamabad.
  7. Separate application is to be submitting for each post.
  8. Application should reach within 20 days of publication of this advertisement.
  9. Eligible candidates must take print out their electronic roll No slip (having picture) from CTSP website for appearing in test.
  10. The Competent Authority has the right to increase/decrease or cancel all or any of the posts at any stage without assigning any reason.
  11. Employees of Government /Semi Government Departments/Organizations are required to apply through proper channel.
  12. No TA/DA is admissible on account of attending test/interviews.


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