Office of Senior Civil Judge Muzaffargarh Jobs 2021


Latest Jobs in Office of Senior Civil Judge Muzaffargarh February 2021

Job applications are invited for the following vacant post by Office of Senior Civil Judge Muzaffargarh:-

  • Process Server (No of Posts – 16)
  • Chowkidar (No of Posts – 01)


  1. Applicant clearly mention in his application whether any relative of his is employed with the Civil and Sessions Court Muzaffargarh or not. If the applicant has any relative employed with the Civil and Sessions Court Muzaffargarh, he shall submit with the application an affidavit to the effect carrying the name of his relative as well as his designation. .
  2. Interested candidates of government/semi-government departments/organizations route applications through their respective organizations or attach NOC.
  3. Application must be supported with attested two recent photographs and copies of educational certificates, identity card and domicile. Bring original documents on the day of interview. Applications not meeting educational qualification as well as incomplete ones shall be rejected.
  4. Neither TA/DA will be given to candidates coming for test or interview nor any separate letter dispatched.
  5. Authority reserves the right to short listing on the basis of merit.
  6. All recruitment shall be done in the light of Government of Punjab Recruitment Policy 2004, Civil & Sessions Court Establishment Rules 2005 and in line with the policy of Lahore High Court Lahore.
  7. Recruitment Committee reserves the right to reject all or partial results besides the right to revoke recruitment process at any time.
  8. All applicants must write their contact No.
  9. Applications shall only be acceptable on prescribed form, which can be downloaded from given below link. Applications on plain paper shall not be acceptable and thus considered rejected. The upper age limit of candidates shall be considered in accordance with the required eligibility (age) as on 18-02-2021.
  10. The lists for eligible candidates with date of interview, time, venue will be displayed on notice board and uploaded on website and no separate intimation shall be made in this regard. 


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