Jobs in USAID June 2020


Latest Jobs in USAID June 2020

Technical Assistance to Municipal Committee Jacobabad
Preparing a Feasibilit, Study and PC-I for Providing Alternate Energy Source for VVater
Supply System, Jacobabad
Water Governance and Capacity Builditm SUPPOI, Jacobabad


The water supply system of Jacobabad city has already been buiW upgraded under the USAID grant for the Municipal Services Program. The new water supply system is under test-operations. During the testing process, it has been observed that one of the major reasons for downtime in the operations of the system is the frequent intemiptions in the electric supply from SEPCO. Throughout the day, the power supply is only for a few hours and there are issues of low voltage and frequent breakage of HT wires. The electrical infrastructure of the water supply system has the following assets

  1. 100 KVA Gen sets at Low Lift Pumping Station
  2. 700 KVA Gen Sets at High Lift Pumping Station
  3. 2 Nos. 300 KVA Gen sets at the Filtration Plant

The generator sets are available at the water supply pumping stations and the filtration plant but their continuous operation by the Municipal Committee is highly doubtful (being high fuel prim) in the wake of its weak financial position.

The electricity log for the period January 7-31, 2020 is attached for reference.

HANDS under the “Water Governance and Capacity Building Support- Jacobabad” funded by USAID intend to hire a team of consultants (Team Lead and Technical Consultant) to provide assistance to the Municipal Committee, Jacobabad in bringing the entire water supply on solar energy. The selected consultants will be taking at least two officials of the municipal committee while working on this assignment.

The time period for completing the assignment for a period of two months and during this period, the team of consultants is required to prepare a ‘Feasibility Study’ and the ‘PC-I document to bring the entire water supply system on solar power so that it can be operated 24/7. The Feasibility study should be covering the total power requirement at each of the water supply infrastructure locations and As summing up recommendations with strong justification and global best practices. There is a concomitant exercise on the development of a business plan and the document developed by the consultant should be linked with that plan. The PC-I document should be

consisting of the PC-1 Form, the detailed cost estimates based on the government schedule of rates (market rates canb dopted for those items which are not available in government schedule of rates) with land requirements & its availability at the proposed location, along with all other allied works for a complete system including the arrangements of automatic/ manual changeover. The rates provided in the PC-I should be based on market research and these must be supported with three quotations and rate-analysis where required.

Scope of work:

The scope of work under the contract is mainly:

  1. to prepare a feasibility study for the solar power source for the Jacobabad Water Supply System, discussing the draft study with stakeholders, submitting the final draft for approval;
  2. to prepare a multi-year PC-I document with PC-1 Form, detailed design, detailed cost estimates, plans and all annexures as per the requirements of the government for consideration and approval.

The feasibility study will comprise of;

  • Caclulation of the energy requirements for the water system as a while as well as at different levels of the system. So the demand for energy could be disaggregated the. E.g if the total energy requirement is XYZ unit for AC for same time the energy
    requirement would be DEF at sourceJpumping stations. GHI at Filter Plant and KLM at OHRs. So we Icnow what part is the most easy hanging fruit for shifting to solar.
  • Calculate the land requirement and identify the potential sites at MCJ, with CAPEX
  • Suggest value engineering with sound reasons and justifications.
  • Analyzes of existing challenges related to the power supply at de.signated sites of WSS and its implications on water service delivery in Jacobabad city
  • Suggest a robust solution of Alternate Energy Source for Water Supply System of Jacobabad following the basic elements of value for money-VFM.
  • Development of technical and financial proposal on PC-I template along with all annexures to fulfil the requirements of Government of Sindh.
  • Stakeholders engagements to create buy-inn of PC-I document


The milestones, means of verification, level of effort and the timelines are as under:

Milestone Task Means of
Level of Effort in working days Timeline
MS 01 Submission and approval of the Work Plan Document/ Approved by the USAID Lead-02 Co-Lead-

01 working days

Within 5 working days from the signing of the contract
MS 02 Development and Submission of the draft Feasibility Study Document/ Approved by the USAID Lead-08 Co-Lead-

05 working days

Within 15 working days after the I. Milestone
MS 03 Dissemination/discussion of the draft feasibility study with:

(1)     Municipal Committee Jacobabad

(2)     Local Government Department

(3)     Planning and Development Department

(4)      Finance Department

Meeting / Notes with pictures/ Approved by


Lead-03 Co-Lead-

03 working days

Within 10 working days after the 2. Milestone
MS 04 Submission and approval of the detailed Cost Estimates for the PC-1 along with the quotations, rate analysis, brochures of the quoted items, land requirements with site plans. Document/ Approved by the USAID Lead-05 Co-Lead-

02 working days

Within 10 working days after the

4. Milestone

MS 05 Submission of final PC-1 document

on govemment prescribed form with

a detailed design of the proposal, cost estimates, quotations, rate analysis, layout plans, and construction & operational guidelines.

Document/ Approved by the USAID Lead-07 Co-Lead-

04 working days

Within 15 working days after the 5. Milestone

The submission of milestones will be considered as an incomplete document and not approved until the 100, ratification of queries raised by HANDS or USAID.

Eligibility Criteria:

The Consultant should have experience of preparing a feasibility study of similar nature for the private or public sector. The proof of this experience will be asked. Demonstrable experience of working with the public sector and preparation of PC-1 documents is mandatory.

The Technical Consultant in the team of consultants must have a University degree in Electrical Engineering and the Team lead must possess a Masters in Business Administration.

Period of assignment:

45 days

Guideline for Submission of Proposal:

The interested consultant can apply through submission of hard copies of the Technical and Financial proposals in separate sealed envelopes clearly mentioning “Technical Proposal” and “Financial Proposal” along with the name of the assignment. The financial proposal should be on the basis of the level of effort for each of the milestones. The Technical proposal must contain:

  1. Brief introduction of consultant (attach detailed CV with references)
  2. Understanding of context
  3. Methodology
  4. Tentative Work Plan (The work plan will comprise of Sub-Activity and time duration required for each level with LOE in it)

Cost Estimates and LOE for the assignment

Sit Position LOE (days)
C xl)
1 Team Lead 25
2 Technical Consultant 15
Total amount in USD (IE + 2E) Estimated

Contract Type:

This is a fix cost assignment and “reimbursement mode of payment” against the achievement of milestones. No additional/ support/ operational cost will be paid by HANDS beyond the quoted amount by the Consultant at the proposal submission stage.

The sealed Technical and Financial proposal along with their CV should reach on below address before 15th June 2020 at 12:30 hours. Proposal will be opened by HANDS Review Committee on the same date 15th June 2020 at 15:00 hour


Huma Siddiqui
General Manager (HR&ID-HANDS)
Plot No 158 Off M9 Karachi Hyderabad Motorway
Gadap Road Adjacent Baqai University Karachi


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