Top 10 Densely Populated Countries in the World


What is the Least Most Densely Populated Country in the World

Most Densely Populated Countries in the World.? By the studies of reports of 2012 and after the search of genuine and confirmed resources “Macau” country is the most largely populated in the world that is having the area coverage of about 29.5 square km.  20,497.34 individuals are residing per square km.

Language: Chinese.

Position point: Near Hong Kong

The most of its economic system is depending on travel and leisure. In compliance to a calculation in 2008 its complete GDP was $31.271 billion while per household was $59,451.


List of Top Ten Most Densely Populated Countries  in the World

No. Country Name Density of Population/ Km² Total Population
1. MonacoMonaco 15255  35000 
2. SingaporeSingapore  7681  5312400
3. BahrainBahrain 1643   1234571
4. MaltaMalta  1297  417617
5. Bangladesh.svgBangladesh 1119   152518015
6. Barbados.svg Barbados 669   274200
7. taiwan Taiwan 646   23293593
8. Muaritius Muaritius 644   1286051
9. San Marino San Marino 527   32404
10. South Korea.svg South Korea  490  50004441

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