Public Sector Organization Jobs March 2022


Latest Jobs in Public Sector Organization March 2022

A Public sector Organization incites applications from suitable candidates for appointments again0 the following post on contract basis, initially for a period of 02 years which is further extendable upon satisfactory performance:

Vacant Posts

  1. Assistant Private Secretary
  2. Data Entry Operator
  3. Accounts Clerk
  4. Junior Clerk
  5. Driver
  6. Duplicate Machine Operator
  7. Dispatch Rider
  8. Generator Operator / Electrician
  9. Mali
  10. Naib Qasid
  11.  Security Guard
  12. VM Helper
  13. Sweeper

General Instructions

  • The competent authority reserve the right o increase or decrease the number of positions at any stage.
  • Date, Time and Place of Test / Interviews will be intimated through SMS/Call letters.
  • No TA/DA will be admissible for the test/interview
  • Candidates already serving in public sector organization are required to furnish NOC from their departments at the time of interview.
  • Selected candidate can be posted anywhere in Pakistan.
  • Appointment will be made by observing Regional / Provincial quota.
  • Quote for women, disable and minorities will be observed as per Govt rules / policy.
  • Age relaxation will be granted as per govt. rules.

How to Apply:

  • Applications form alongwith challan form link for all the posts are available at the end of this post
  • Candidates must submit duly filled application form alongiwth challan form OTS within 20 days after publication of the advertisement.
  • After applying for the posts, applicants are advised to regularly check OTS website for important announcement (Procedure for Roll No. Slip/Written Test Schedule / Result etc). related to recruitment against the above posts.
  • Interested applicants should submit their applications to the address mentioned in below advertisement.

Job Announcement:


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