PPSC 11 August 2020 Jobs


Latest Punjab Public Service Commissions August 2020

Online applications are invited in following departments for vacant positions mentioned against each departments.

Post Qualification and Experience
Livestock & Dairy Development Department
STENOGRAPHER Graduate from  a  recognized University; and  a speed of 100 WPM in shorthand in English and 40 WPM in typewriting.
Planning & Development Board
DATA PROCESSING OFFICER 2nd Class Bachelor’s Degree in Statistics with Economics or Statistics with Mathematics from a recognized University.
Certificate of Training in any of the Computer Programming  Languages  or  Data  Base Packages Programme (D-Base, Lotus or Word Star) from any Institute recognized by any Board
of Technical Education in Pakistan or equivalent foreign qualifications.
Should qualify Programming Aptitude Test to be given by the Bureau of Statistics.
One year experience in General Data Processing Preferably in Computer Programming.
Specialized Healthcare & Medical Education Department
ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR UROLOGY a) i) MBBS or equivalent medical qualification recognized by Pakistan Medical and Dental Council (PMDC) and the    Postgraduate Qualification of FCPS / MS / FRCS / MRCP / MD / Diplomat of American Board in the respective specialty 
or equivalent medical qualification in the respective specialty recognized by PMDC; 
ii) MBBS or equivalent medical qualification recognized by Pakistan Medical and Dental Council (PMDC) and the   it
Postgraduate Qualification of FCPS/ MS /FRCS /MRCP /MD / Diplomat of American Board (General Surgery /   Medicine) or any other equivalent medical qualification recognized by PMDC with three years Practical Experience in  the respective specialty in a recognized institution after post graduation. 
b)  Five years teaching experience in the speciality in a recognized institution as Assistant Professor or equivalent position  recognized by PMDC with atleast three research papers published in a Standard Medical Journal. 
i)   Applicants are directed to provide hard copy of their on-line application form alongwith two photocopy sets of all relevant   documents &relevant Research Papers within 03 days after the closing date failing which their applications will be treated as  rejected and no further communication will be entertained in this regard.  
ii) PMDC Registration should be valid upto the closing date of the advertised post(s). If expired, applying proof for renewal of registration before the closing date is required.
iii) The certificate of recognition of qualification/experience shall only be considered if the same is issued by designated officer  of PMDC. Recognition of experience from PMDC is mandatory.
iv) Experience Certificate alongwith appointment letter(s) in respect of Contract, Current Charge, Acting Charge and appointment on Adhoc basis, issued by the Appointing Authority/ Head of Institution/Organization/Department is required.
v) Only those relevant original articles which have been published in book-form on or before the closing date shall be considered. Review articles, case-studies/reports, translations, briefs, papers presented in conferences, editorials, etc.
shall not be admissible as published research papers. However, online published research work in a recognized foreign  journal shall be accepted.


  1. To appear in test/interview only Original Valid CNIC issued by NADRA will be accepted. No other Identification document will be acceptable.
  2. Applicants are advised to read all terms and conditions/ instructions of the Announcement as well as “Important/General Instructions to Candidates” given on PPSC website carefully in order to submit their Online Applications complete in all respects. The onus/ responsibility of correctness of the data given in the On-line Application Form will rest squarely on the candidates.
  3. Applicants are required to submit “On-line Application Form” by the Closing Date which is 26-08-2020 up to 12:00 AM (Midnight). Applicants should fill in the On-line Application Form carefully in the light of the Guidelines and Instructions mentioned in the Announcement for the said post and “Important/General Instructions to Candidates”.
  4. Editing options, to correct any data in the On-line Application Form, will be available to the candidates till the Closing Date of submission of Online Applications.
  5. Negative marking shall be done and 0.25 mark shall be deducted for each incorrect answer in all Objective (MCQ) papers.
  6. For all posts to be filled through written test followed by interview or interview alone, the number of chances shall be restricted to three. However, if a candidate qualifies the interview but cannot be recommended for appointment due to shortage of vacancies, his chance shall not be considered as availed whereas chance of a candidate who does not qualify the written test or interview shall be considered as availed. For the post of Lecturer in Education Department, a candidate who is applicant for more than one subject, shall be allowed three chances in each subject for which he/she is a candidate in accordance with above laid down policy.
  7. In case, a candidate claims experience of private firm / entity, he / she must bring proof at the time of interview that the firm / entity is registered with SECP, Registrar of Firms or any other Regulatory Authority, failing which his / her application shall be rejected.
  8. The candidates will ensure that after applying for a particular post they will immediately apply for Departmental Permission Certificate/NOC in their concerned Department(s) and provide the Departmental Permission Certificate/NOC at the time of interview (if called).
  9. The candidates just after applying for a particular post advertised by PPSC will ensure that they have obtained/applied for registration in PEC/PNC/PMDC/PVMC or other relevant body for Registration Certificate before the Closing Date and provide the same at the time of interview (if called).
  10. The candidates will ensure that they will provide marks obtained / total marks or percentage certificate of all degrees at the time of interview. CGPA is not acceptable.
  11. It is mandatory for Applicants to deposit 600/- under Head:“C02101- ORGANIZATIONS OF STATE-TEST FEE REALIZED BY THE PUNJAB PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION”, in any Branch of State Bank of Pakistan or National Bank of Pakistan or Government Treasury on or before the Closing Date of submission of applications
  12. In case, the requisition of any post is withdrawn by the Administrative Department after receipt of applications by the Commission, the candidates of that particular post can use Paid Treasury Challan of the withdrawn post against any other post (Once), advertised by the Commission within the next One Year.
  13. Special Persons are not required to deposit application fee.
  14. Applicants residing outside Pakistan, but having Domicile of the Punjab will deposit the fee at the Pakistani Embassy of residing country in the currency of that country equivalent to the amount of Application/ Test Fee prescribed for the post.
  15. No Bank Draft or Pay Order or Cheque or any such instrument will be accepted as fee by the Commission.
  16. PPSC’s Helplines: Lahore: 042-99202762, 99200161, 99200162, Rawalpindi: 051-5158095, Faisalabad: 041-9330713, Sargodha: 048-3259710, Multan: 061-9330354, Bahawalpur: 062-2881182, D.G. Khan: 064-9260410


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