Pakistan Navy Cadet Jobs



Eligibility Criteria:

  • Unmarried Male Citizens of Pakistan
  • Age on 01 July 2023: 16 1/2 – 21years
  • Civilians: 17-23 years
  • Service Candidates (Armed Forces in Uniform) Height: 5’4″ (Minimum)

Educational Qualification:

The candidates must have passed both Matric and F.Sc or 0/A level with at least 60% marks with any of the following subjects:

  • Physics, Maths & Chemistry
  • Physics, Maths & Computer Science
  • Physics, Maths & Statistics

Candidates of 0/A Level are required to submit equivalence certificate. F.Sc part-II appearing candidates with at least 65% marks in part-I can also apply. However, they have to provide a hope certificate from the head of respective College/Institute. Completion of F.Sc / HSSC equivalent examination before 1st July 2023 is mandatory. If a candidate fails to attain 60% marks after providing hope certificate he will be disqualified at any stage of selection process or discharged during training.

Selection Process

  • Entrance test date will be intimated by respective PNR&SC through
  • Computer based test/ e-testing will be conducted in following subjects:
    • Intelligent test
    • Academic test (English, Maths/ Physics & General Knowledge)
  • Only short listed candidates would be called for preliminary medical/ interview and Physical Efficiency Test (PET) at respective PNR&SCs. The PET standards are as under:
Test Requirement Time
Running One Mile (1.6 km) 8.30 Minutes
Push-ups 10 Repetitions 02 Minutes
Sit-ups 10 Repetitions 02 Minutes
Chin-ups 02 Repetitions 02 Minutes
  • Application forms will be issued to those candidates who qualify/ preliminary Medical/ Interview and Physical Efficiency Test (PET).
  • Only shortlisted candidates as per merit would be called for Test/ interviews at
  • Medical Examination of ISSB recommended candidates would be held at the nearest CMH/ PNS SHIFA.
  • Final selection will be done by Naval Headquarters in order of

Note: The candidates are advised to get ear waxed & teeth cleaned by a specialist doctor prior reporting for medical examination.


Grant of permanent commission after two years of training and one of the following degrees shall be awarded upon successful completion of basic training:

  • Operation Branch: BS (Maritime Sciences)
  • Marine Engineering Branch: BE (Mechanical)
  • Weapon Engineering Branch: BE (Electrical)
  • Supply Branch: BS (Supply Chain Management)

Note: Subject to aptitude and academic progress, selected officers may be sent abroad for MS and PhD.

Other Benefits

  • Free Medical treatment of self/ Family and
  • Family accommodation or house rent allowance and servant facility or allowance after
  • Opportunities for visits/ courses/assignments abroad
  • 50% concession for Self/ Family on travel by Air/Railways.
  • Subsidized Education of children in Bahria Colleges/ University/ various professional


  • Twice screened out by ISSB.
  • Permanently declared UNFIT by Appeal Medical Board (PUF by AMD)
  • Declared medically unfit due to Hepatitis B&C (AMB cannot be requested).
  • Declared unfit by any Armed Forces Hospital except those cleared by Appeal Medical Board. However, PAF candidates who become Medical unfit for flying but Fit for ground Branches can undergo routine Medical Examination as normal candidates, if they are desirous to join other Arms.
  • Withdrawn/ Discharged/ Resigned or purchase of commission from any Armed Forces Officers’ Academy/ Training Institution on any ground.
  • Withdrawn from any bonded Armed Forces College/ institution on disciplinary grounds.
  • Dismissed/ Removed/ Debarred from Government Services including Armed Forces.
    • Convicted by a Court of Law for any heinous offense (to be ascertained by the Competent Military Authority).
  • Tested within four months (120 days) gap of previous appearance at ISSB except candidates granted waiver by the Competent Authority. However, bar of 120 days will not be applicable to candidates appearing for post graduate GHQ/ NHQ/ AHQ based selection boards.
  • ISSB recommended candidates applying for other services will have to undergo all preliminary selection procedures.
  • ISSB recommended low merit candidates can improve their ISSB grades in the next course. However, the time bar of 120 days will remain applicable and previous recommendation will become invalid in such cases.
  • Tempering of academic certificates/ forgery to get undue advantage will make and applicant permanently ineligible for all types of commission in Armed Forces.
  • Cases pertaining to errors and omissions in filling up of application forms will be ascertained and decided by the PA Dte, GHQ on case to case basis.



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