Pakistan Bait ul Mal (PBM) Jobs


Latest Jobs in Pakistan Ball ul Mal (PBM) August 2021

Pakistan Ball-ul-Mal (PBM). a Public Sector Social Safety Net under Prime Minister’s Ehsaas Program, Invites applications from suitable candidates for appointment against the following vacant positions:

Jobs Detail:

Post Minimum Qualification / Selection Criteria
Supervisor i. 2nd Class Masters Degree in Social Sciences or equivalent:
ii. Computer literate /Certification:
iii. Three years experience in relevant field.
Data Entry Operator / Accounts Clerk i. D.Com / I.Com
ii. Computer literate.
Driver i. Middle;
ii. Valid LTV license:
iii. Candidate having higher experience in driving will be preferred.
Cook Primary with experience in relevant field
Helper Cook Primary with experience in relevant field
Tandoorchi Primary with experience in relevant field
Mess Walter-cum-Dish Washer Primary with experience in relevant field
Driver Helper / Conductor  Primary with experience in relevant field


  • Eligible interested candidates should reach for interview on 05-08-2021 at Pakistan Bait Ul Maal, Regional Office (ICT) Naseem Plaza, Service Road East, Islamabad Express way, Sohan, Islamabad.
  • Attested copy of testimonials will be provided by the shortlisted candidates at the time of interview. Original and verified testimonials shall also be presented. If the said documents are foundfake or provision of wrong Information /bio data at any stage noticed, legal action shall be taken accordingly.
  • Selection will be made as per Government Rules.
  • Age relaxation is admissible as per Government rules.
  • The advertisement along with Application Form Is also available on the official website of Pakistan Balt-ul-Mal
  • The aforementioned appointment is for short term, therefore successful candidate doesn’t confer the right to regularization.
  • The Competent Authority reserves the right to cancel this recruitment process at any stage or increase / decrease the number of posts or withhold the appointment against any advertised post without assigning any reason.
  • The decision of the Competent Authority may be treated as FINAL which cannot be challenged In any court of law.
  • List of successful candidates shall be placed at the Notice Board and PBM website.
  • No TA/DA will be admissible for the Test / Interview.

Application Form:-

Job Announcement:


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