Office of the District and Sessions Judge Sanghar Jobs


Latest Jobs in Office of the District and Sessions Judge Sanghar December 2020

Applications are invited from eligible candidates for the following vacant posts in Judicial District Sanghar:

Name of Post Education / Qualification / Experience Required
Stenographer 1. Intermediate
2. Shorthand Speed 80 WPM
3. Typing Speed 40 WPM
4. Proficiency in MS Office
5. Possesses a Diploma or Certificate from a reputed institution far stenography certifying that he possesses minimum speed of 80 WPM in shorthand
Book Binder Middle
(Previous experience of working as Book Binder will
be preferred)
Naib Qasid Primary
Chowkidar Primary
Malhi Middle
(Previous experience of working as Book Binder will
be preferred)
  1. Candidates (at Sr. No. 01) for the post of Stenographer BPS-16 may download the application form and challan from Sukkur IBA
    University website. Fee of Rs. 700/- for the post mentioned can be deposited in any branch
    of ABUMCB Banks. Application forms, duly filled-in along with original online deposit slip, attested copies of CNIC, Domicile, PRC,
    Educational Certificates, Experience Certificates and in case of disabled, the Disability Certificate from competent authority. 02 fresh photographs should reach the Project Manager (D.S.C.S.) SIBA Testing Service (STS) Sukkur IBA University Airport Road Sukkur, Tel # 071-5644159-60.
    2. From Serial No. 2 to 5, all the candidates are required to send their application(s) along with attested copies of education document(s)
    CNIC, Domicile & PRC, two passport size photographs addressing to the District & Sessions Judge, Sanghar.
    3. The last date for submission of application form is 31st December, 2020.
    4. Separate application form may be filled and sent for each post, if applying for more than one posts.
    5. Incomplete applications will not be entertained.
    6. Government servants should apply through proper channel.
    7. In case government servants who have served in connection with the affairs of Federation or the Province of Sindh for a period of not
    less than three years the upper limit shall be thirty years.
    8. The over age candidates, if qualified the test / interview and selected for appointment on the basis of experience. qualification and skills,
    the individuals cases of successful candidates would be submitted to the Honourable Chief Justice, High Court of Sindh, for relaxation in
    their upper age limit and approval.
    9. Those who have already applied are directed to apply afresh.
    10. All applicants shall mention their cell / contact numbers for further communication.
    11. Any external influence for selection will lead to disqualification for the post applied for.
    12. The candidates. at the time of interview, should bring along with them their original documents.
    13. The decision of the Departmental Selection Committee (DSC) of this Court shall be final.
    14. Dates for written test and its result of candidates at Serial No. 01 will be announced by SIBA Testing Services on the official website.
    The list of successful candidates announced by SIBA Testing Services for the post at Sr. No. 1 will also be affixed on the Notice Board of
    District & Sessions Court Sanghar with dates for their shorthand / typing tests, which will be conducted by the Departmental Selection
    Committee (DSC) of this Court and on clearing it, the successful candidates will be called on the date notified later for interviews, to be
    conducted by the said committee (DSC) of this Court.
    15. The list of eligible candidates for the posts at Sr. No. 2 to 5 will be finalized and affixed on Notice Board of District & Sessions Court.
    Sanghar along with schedule of Test or Interview, which will be conducted by the DSC of this Court.
    16. No TA / DA will be paid for appearing in test / interview.


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