National Defence University Jobs


Latest Jobs in National Defence University June 2020

National Defence University, a premier and highest seat of learning in the country invites dynamic, passionate self-assured and innovative professional seeking scholarly excellence and research opportunities to become part of proud fraternity of the University. Details of the vacancies are reflected below:-

  1. Professor
  2. Associate Professor
  3. Assistant Professor
  4. Lecturer


  • All above mentioned posts shall bellied purely on contract basis.
  • 215 quota for disabled persons will be considered.
  • Complete details of posts/ ToRs are available on NDU website.
  • In Service/ Government employees have to submit NOC/ DPC duly signed by the concerned authorities.
  • For Faculty Position (sr. No.1 8 2), HEC Rules/Regulations shall apply. Research Publications should have minimum Y Category or Applicants for faculty position with qualification/ specialization in research methodology will be given preferences. Foreign evaluation of applicants We be carried out before final selection as per HOC requirement.
  • Applications that are incomplete (in any case) or received after due date shall not be entertained.
  • Applicants who do not have the prescribed Qualification & Experience should kindly abstain from applying, as their applications will not be considered.
  • Only Short-Listed candidates shall be called tor Interview/Test. No TA/ DA shall be admissible.
  • Applicants must mention the name &the “Post Applied For” on the right top corner°, the envelope.
  • My clause not included in above mentioned terms 8 conditions shall be dealt in accordance with the provisions of NDU/TTS Statutes (where applicable).
  • The University reserves The right to increase/ decrease the number of posts or cancel any or all of the advertised posts and decision of the University shall remain binding in all cases.
  • NDU is an equal opportunity employer
  • Last date of application submission is 13 July, 2020.

FCS Admin Office
National Defence University — Islamabad
Sector E-9, Islamabad. Phone 051-9262066-8, Ext 8106/8108


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