Jobs in Social Protection Strategy Unit Sindh


Latest Jobs in Social Protection Strategy Unit Sindh June 2020

Social Protection Strategy Unit for preparation and implementation of Provincial Social Protection Initiatives has been established by Government of  Sindh. The Social Protection Strategy Unit acts as a Secretariat for Social Protection Board. The functions of the SPSU Include the design of Social Protection Programmes under an overarching Social Protection Strategy and in line with priority areas and goals set out by the Social Protection Board.

SPSU has been engaged in extensive Research and Consultation across Government Departments and other stakeholders for formulating priority actions and for proposing programme design which now required to be tested for scaling up. Six immediate priorities are proposed for the work plan of the SPSU:-

  1. Establish a luny functioning SPSU with appropriate levels of capacity and linkages with other stakeholders within Government to carry out design and coordination.
  2. Preparation and adoption of Sindh Social Protection Policy and Strategy.
  3. Preparation and steering of legislation relating to the Rights of Women Agricultural Workers and Food Security.
  4. Establish a data-driven Sindh Social Registry with Its presence at the local level.
  5. Design and test assumptions of three high priority programmes in the areas of : Food Security Bhook-Milao Programme, Mother and child support for the first 1,000 days. Benazir Women Agricultural Workers Programme
  6. Conduct pre-feasibilities and preliminary design for programmes in: Youth internships, Early Childhood Development.

The SPSU requires the following project stall for its main Policy and Research Wing at Karachi on contract basis on competitive salary package for a period of one year. extendable on performance basis. Male and female candidates, having domicile of Sindh Province and prescribed qualification & experience can apply. All Education certificates  and Degrees must be from recognized institute / College and University from the respective Board, University and HEC respectively.

  1. Head of Policy & Research
  2. Economist
  3. Social Exclusion Expert
  4. M & E Expert
  5. Statistician/ Demographers I Research Analyst
  6. Research Associates
  7. Research Team Assistant
  8. Social Protection Expert
  9. Gender Expert

How to Apply:-

  • Relaxation in upper age limit shall be admissible as per Government policy.
  • Selection to all posts will be strictly based on Merit and as per Government policy.
  • Interested Candidates for the posts may send applications along with updated/detailed

CV and testimonials (both Educational Qualifications and Experience) duly attested within 15 days from the date of publication of this notice at the below given address.

Social Protection Strategy Unit, 5th Floor, State Life Building No.11,
Abdullah Haroon Road, Saddar, Karachi


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