Jobs in Sindh Infrastructure Development Company Ltd. Cabinet Division


Latest Jobs in Sindh Infrastructure Development Company Ltd. Cabinet Division June 2020

Sindh Infrastructure Development Company Limited (SIDCL), Cabinet Division, Government of Pakistan, is looking to hire a suitable candidate for position of Company Secretary.


  • Company Secretary shall be responsible for ensuring that Board procedures are followed and that all applicable laws, rules and regulations and other statements of best practices are complied with.

Requisite Qualification & Experience:

  • Ideal candidate would be member of recognized body of professional accountants, or corporate or chartered secretaries or holding degree of Public Administration, with relevant experience.
  • Overall experience in the relevant profession for not less than 10 years, with a minimum of three years as Company Secretary. Experience of working in Public Sector Company shall be an added advantage.
  • Strong knowledge of Company Law, SECP Regulations is mandatory.
  • Excellent written and oral communication skills, in both English and Urdu, to develop and process documents, reports, papers and recommendations.
  • Experience in building productive internal and external relationships and working productively in a team environment.

Age Limit:

The ideal candidate, fulfilling all other pre-requisites of the job, may be under the age limit of 45 years. HR Committee of BOD SIDCL may relax the age limit for exceptional candidates; otherwise fit for the job; subject to permitting health and fitness.

Please note that:

Market Salary / Negotiable commensurate with the qualification and experience of the candidate; in line with PC-I and policies of Government of Pakistan will be offered;

Only eligible/ shortlisted candidates will be called for interview in Karachi. No TA/DA will be admissible for interview purpose;

Position shown above is not equitable with government BPS and the same shall not be considered for any claim of gratuity and permanent position;

  • Appointment will be made purely on contract basis for one year, renewable on satisfactory performance at the discretion of the appointing authority;

Interested eligible candidates must apply with detailed resume covering personal particulars including age; qualifications; experience; etc. alongwith a covering letter.

Applications must be submitted through post/courier in person by 23rd June 2020.

6th Floor, Extension Block Bahria Complex IV, Karachi,
Ph: 021-35155101: Fax: 021-35155102


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