Jobs in Punjab Small Industries Corporation


Latest Jobs in Punjab Small Industries Corporation 2020

Applications are invited for the following positions from eligible candidates domiciled in Punjab for recruitment against Development Project in Punjab Small Industries Corporation:-

S. No. Name of post No. of Posts Qualifications and experience Age Limit
1 Admin Officer 1 Graduation / Minimum 14 years of Education having 3 year’s experience in public or private sector. Upto 35 years
2 Cluster Facilitators 1 Graduation / Minimum 14 years of Education. Having 3 year’s experience in public or private sector. Upto 35 years
3 Driver 3 Middle with one (1) year experience of driving HTV/LTV and having valid driving license. Upto 35 Years 
4 Sweeper 1 Literate Upto 35 years
5 Naib Qasid 2 Middle Upto 35 years
6 Chowkidar 1 Middle Upto 35 years
  • The appointments are project based upto 31.12.2021.
  • The persons who are already in Government/Semi Government service should apply through proper channel.
  • Separate application will be given by the candidate desirous to apply against more than one position/post. Joint application for above positions will be treated as cancelled.
  • Applications of the candidates addressed to the undersigned with detailed C.V. and attested copies of the relevant educational / experience documents / Certificates etc along with two (2) attested recent photographs and copy of CNIC must reach the office through P.O. Box No.829 Lahore (PH:-042-99200439) by 06-05-2020during office hours. Late and incomplete applications will not be entertained. Only short listed candidates will be called for test/interview.
  • No TA/DA shall be paid.
  • Short listing of applicants will be the sole prerogative of the Corporation.
  • Applications received without the attested copies of educational / experience certificates will not be entertained. The appointment would be made subject to verification of experience and educational credentials by relevant Authorities.
  • PSIC has the right to increase/decrease the numbers of the captioned posts as  per need.


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