Jobs in National Accountability Bureau (NAB)


Latest Jobs in National Accountability Bureau (NAB) May 2020

National Accountability Bureau invites applications from only Pakistani Nationals for hiring of Services of experts for its Headquarter at Islamabad on monthly fee payment basis for a period of one year as per criteria given in advertisement:

  1. Junior Expert-I (Database Administrator)
  2. Junior Expert-3 (Stenographer)
  3. Assistant Junior Expert-I
  4. Assistant Junior Expert-2 (Receptionist)
  5. Assistant Junior Expert-2 (Computer)
  6. Assistant Junior Expert-2 (Security Guard)


  • Experience/ Educational qualification shall counted examined as on the closing date for receipt of applications.
  • Only shortlisted candidates shall be called for test/ interview, alter scrutiny of applications.
  • Candidates with additional qualification / experience will be preferred.
  • Hiring will be governed by the terms of services hiring contract.
  •  Candidates possessing dual / foreign nationality arc not eligible to apply.
  • No ‘TA/DA will be admissible for appearing in test/interview.
  • Final selection will be subject to Security Clearance.
  • The monthly fee is taxable as per Federal Govt. policy.
  • The number of positions can be increased/ decreased at the time of final selection.
  • The services period is extendable as per performance evaluation/ requirement basis.
  • Applications on given format (without copies of academic/ experience certificate (s) should

Zaheer Ahmad
Deputy Director (Rect & TCS)
Nab Headquarters
Shahrah-Jamhuriat, G-5/I,


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