Jobs in Lady Reading Hospital


Latest Jobs in Lady Reading Hospital June 2020

The Lady Reading Hospital, Medical Teaching Institution, Peshawar invites applications for the Pathology Department for faculty positions at Assistant, Associate and full Professor level:

Name of Post Qualification & Experience Required
Pathologist MB,BS with higher diploma in pathology such as FCPS (Pathology) ,
American Board certification in Pathology, Member, Royal College of Pathologists, or equivalent. Familiarity with laboratory techniques essential
Biochemist PhD in Biochemistry.
Familiarity with laboratory techniques essential
Hematologist i. PhD or MB,BS with higher diploma in Hematology.
ii. Familiarity with laboratory techniques essential
Molecular Biologist i. PhD in Molecular Biology.
ii. Familiarity with laboratory techniques essential
Immunologist PhD in Immunology. Familiarity with laboratory techniques essential


Excellent salary at market rates will be offered. The incumbent will serve under the MTI Act and the Regulations of the LRH MTI.

Interested candidates must send job application/Covering letter with Detailed CVat the following address through registered Courier Service or via email ( The positions will remain open fill filling of the available vacancies.Only shortlisted candidates will be called for Interview.

Address: Human Resources Department
Lady Reading Hospital Medical Teaching Institution, Peshawar- Pakistan
Phone: +92 91 9211441-45, Web: www pk


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