Jobs in Health Department Balochistan


Latest Jobs in Health Department Balochistan in April / May 2020

Health Department, Government of Balochistan invites applications from interested candidates for recruitment against the (12) Posts of Microbiologist, Molecular  Biologist and Virologist on contract basis fora period of (06) six months duty through  walk in interview for opening the planned COVID-19 PCR Laboratories in various labs.

Post Qualification Pay
Microbiologist M. Phil. in relevant field 90,000 Per Month
MSc in relevant field 75,000 Per Month
Molecular Biologist M.Phil. in relevant field 90,000 Per Month
MSc in relevant field 75,000 Per Month
Virologist M.Phil. in relevant field 90,000 Per Month
MSc in relevant field 75,000 Per Month

NOTE: The applicant/candidate should have (02) years experience on real-time PCR. The recruitment shall be made purely on Contract Basis for a period of six (06) months as per the eligibility, qualification and evaluation criteria. The recruitment shall be made purely for plan. COVID-19 PCR Laboratories. Complete applications along with attested set of documents including academic/ professional qualification certificates and two latest passport size photographs must reach to the office of Section Officer• VI Health Department ,Civil Secretariat Room No:•11,Black Zarghoon Road Quetta up to 5th May, 2020; and through E-mail khadimdurrani212@gmail.combefore the closing date. Shortlisted candidates will be called for interview to be held by Chairman of commit on 7 May 2020 at Fatima Jinnah General & chest Hospital, Brewery Road Quetta 10:00 AM. No TA/DA will be paid. Please bring original Document on the date of interview. Health Department, Government of Balochistan has right to withdraw/ amend the recruitment process at any stage or cancel/ reduce/ increase the vacancies so advertised.



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