Jobs in Federal Government Polyclinic (PGMI)


Latest  Jobs in Federal Government Polyclinic (PGMI) June 2020

Application form are invited for the selection of House Officers In Federal Government Polyclinic (PGMI), T. Interested candidates fulfilling the under mention. criteria can apply,

  • Only fresh Med. Graduates can apply
  • MBBS degree or equivalent & marks sheet
  • Valid temporary registration with PM&DC
  • National Identity Card


  • House J. will . awarded in accordance with PM&DC rule.
  • Only Fresh candidates will be entertained.
  • Last date for submission of application form is fifteen (15) days from the date of publication of this advertisement.
  • Candidates are advised to fill in the entire application form carefully and by courier/ registered mail to Federal Government Polyclinic (PGMI), lucman Haqeem Road. G-6/2 Islamabad
  • Please attach following documents with application form.
  1. Matric, F.Sc, MBBS all professionals and attempt Certificates
  2. Domicile
  3. PM&DC Registration Certificate
  4. National Identity .rd
  5. Two recent photographs

6) Incomplete application form, application received after closing date and application submitted  by hand will nd be entertained.
7) Original Documents wilt be check. before final selection.
8) Candidates are advised to k.p their given mobile number operational during selection process.
9) No TA/DA will be mobile.


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