Jobs in District Health Authority Attock


Latest Jobs in District Health Authority Attock May 2020

Reference Govt. of Punjab Primary and Secondary Healthcare Department Letter No. SO. (AHP-I) 11-2020 dated 21.4.2020. Applications are invited from suitable qualified professionals having Punjab domicile for appointment on Adhoc basis in the following disciplines of District Health Authority Attock.


  1. MSc. in Zoology or B.Sc (Hons) in Agriculture Entomology from a recognized University; or
  2. Sc (Hons) Zoology from a recognized University subject to the condition that the person appointed shall be acquire the postgraduate Diploma in Medical Entomology and Disease Vector Control within three years from the date of appointment
  3. Note; if none is available with required qualification then the post may be filled from the amongst the candidate possessing B.Sc (Second Division) with one of the elective subject of Biology, Zoology, Microbiology, Molecular Biology Environmental Health, Agriculture (Entomology) or Medical Technology from a recognized University subject to the condition that the person appointed must acquire the post graduate diploma in medical entomology and disease vector control within three years of the appointment.


  1. Only short-listed candidates shall be called for interviews.
  2. Appointments shall be made purely on Adhoc basis by the P&SHC Department on recommendation of District Recruitment Committee.
  3. Department has rights to reduce or increase the no. of post, and complete recruitment process can be cancelled at any stage by the department.
  4. General Relaxation is already included.
  5. Candidates shall submit application by hand in the office of CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER DISTRICT HEALTH AUTHORITY ATTOCK.
  6. The last date of submission of application is 15.05.2020.


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