Government Organization PO Box 34 Peshawar Jobs 2022


Latest Jobs in Government Organization PO Box 34 Peshawar 2022

A Government Organization require application from Candidates having Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Domicile /Newly Merged District of Erstwhile FATA who must possess the minimum required qualifications and age as noted against each post: –

Jobs Detail:

Post Qualification / Experience
Database Administrator Qualification
At least 2nd class degree of BS (4 Years)/BCS (4 Years)/BIT (04 years)/MIT/MCS/MSc. in Computer Science from HEC recognized University.
i. At Least 03 years of Post qualification Experience
ii. Hands on experience on Web-based applications Design and Development, Databases.
iii. Highly proficient in Web Services, PHP,MySQL Server.
iv. Excellent understanding of Web Servers.
Network Administrator Qualification
At least 2nd class degree of BS (4 Years)/BCS (4Years)/BIT 04 years)/MIT/Mcs/Msc. in Computer Science from HEC recognized University.
i. At least 03 years of Post qualification experience
ii. In-Depth knowledge of the network topologies, protocols, tools and techniques.
iii. Hands on knowledge about security features of different networking/ security protocols.
iv.. Experience regarding designing and implementing Network Securities Policies, Configuration, Management and Troubling shooting of Network Devices( Routers ,Switches, Firewalls, IDS, IPS ,Load Balancers, etc)
Computer Operator Qualification
At least Second Class Bachelor degree from HEC recognized University with One Year Diploma in Information Technology from a recognized Board of Technical Education or its equivalent. Experience
i. At least 01 Year Post Qualification experience.
ii. Must have knowledge about Computer Hardware, Computer Application (Software).


  1. Appointment will be purely on contract basis, as per project policy.
  2. There is no Zonal Quota, all the posts are merit based.
  3. There is no age relaxation.
  4. Pay package will be given as per Government Project Policy.
  5. Interview calls letter will be issued to short listed candidates only.
  6. Candidates should be eligible in all respects by last date of receipt of the applications.
  7. Original documents should be provided at the time of interview.
  8. Incomplete applications and applications received after due dates will not be, entertained.
  9. The candidates working in Government/Semi-Government bodies should apply through proper channel.
  10. Competent Authority reserves the right to cancel/reject any application without assigning any reason.
  11. Candidate must write name of post applied for, on the envelop.
  12. In case of foreign degree, equivalent certificates from HEC must be provided.
  13. Errors/Omissions in number of posts are subject to rectification.
  14. Candidate should send their CV along with attested copies of all relevant documents on or before 10-01-2022 at below mentioned address.

Post Box No.34 G.P.O Peshawar, Main Saddar Road Peshawar.

Job Announcement:


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