District Council Dadu Jobs


Latest Jobs in District Council Dadu July 2020

Announcement: 1/2

According to Approval of the Government of Sindh. Local Government Department vide Letter No. SO.11l(LG)/14-24/2016 Dated 21-05-2020.

Applications are invited to fill the following posts from suitable candidates having Domicile of District Dadu and having educational qualification / experience, age limit as mentioned against each post initially for two years probation period to be regularized on satisfactory performance as per Government policy.

  1. Driver BPS-04
  2. Tractor Driver BPS-04
  3. Tractor Cleaner BPS-01
  4. Sweeper (Sanitary Worker) BPS-01
  5. Chowkidar BPS-01
  6. Plumber BPS-02
  7. MaIhi BPS-01


  • Candidates applying against above mentioned posts will be entertained if holding Domicile of District Dadu.
  • Incomplete applications or applications containing incorrect information shall be rejected.
  • All the eligible / only shortlisted candidates will be called for interview
  • Fifteen (15) years age relaxation has been added to the prescribed age limit of above category as per Government policy
  • Original Documents must be presented by the candidates at the time of interview.
  • Applications received after due date shall not be entertained.
  • The undersigned / Selection Committee reserves the right to increase or decrease the Nos. of posts or withhold the recruitment process at any time.
  • Attested copies of CNIC. 2 passport size photographs, Domicile, PRC, Experience Certificate and all relevant documents along with application must reach the following address within 7 days from the publication of this advertisement by hand / mail / courier service Pakistan Post.
  • Competent Authority reserves the right to reject any application without assigning any reason.
  • No TA / DA will be allowed to candidates appearing for interview.

Muhammad Ashraf Solangi
District Council, Dadu

Announcement: 2/2

According to Approval of the Government of Sindh, Local Government Department vide letter No. S0.111(LG)/14-24/2016 Dated 25-06-2020. Applications are invited to fill the following posts from suitable candidates having Domicile of District Dadu and having  educational qualification / experience, age limit as mentioned against each posts for initially for two years probation period to be regularized on satisfactory performance as per Government policy.

  1. Peon BS-02
  2. Chowkidar BS-02
  3. Beldar BS-02
  4. Waterman BS-02
  5. Recovery Guard BS-02
  6. Pound Munshi BS-03
  7. Malhi BS-02
  8. Sweeper BS-02
  9. Dresser BS-02


  • Candidates applying against above mentioned posts will be entertained if holding Domicile of District Dadu.
  • Incomplete application or application containing incorrect information shall be rejected.
  • All the eligible / only shortlisted candidates will be called for interview.
  • Fifteen (15) years age relaxation has been added to the prescribed age limit of above category as per Government policy.
  • Original Documents must be presented by the candidates at the time of interview.
  • Application received after due date shall not be entertained.
  • The undersigned / selection Committee reserves the right to increase or decrease the Nos. of posts or withhold the recruitment process at any time.
  • Attested copies of CNIC, 2 passport size photographs, Domicile, PRC, Experience Certificate and all relevant documents along with application must reach the following address within 7 days from the publication of this advertisement by Hand / Mail / Courier Service Pakistan Post.
  • Competent Authority reserves the right to reject any application without assigning any reason.
  • No TA / DA will be allowed to candidates appearing for interview.

Muhammad Ashraf Solangi
District Council, Dadu


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