303 Spares Depot Electrical & Mechanical Engineer Jobs


Latest Jobs in 303 Spares Depot Electrical & Mechanical Engineer October 2020

Applications are invited for a number of vacancies available at 303 Spares Depot Electrical & Mechanical Engineer Lahore Cantt. Applicants who meet following eligibility criteria laid down against each post category may forward their application in the name of Commandant 303 Spare EME Lahore Cantt.

  1. Store Keeper
  2. High Skilled Mistry Computer Technician
  3. High Skilled Mistry Vehicle Mechanic
  4. Lower Division Clerk
  5. High Skilled Grade-II Vehicle Mechanic
  6. High Skilled Grade-II Electric Technical
  7. Supervisor
  8. Supervisor Security
  9. Skilled Preserver
  10. Driver Military Transport
  11. Fireman
  12. Naib Qasid
  13. Un skill Manual (USM)


  1. Each Candidate will be tested in relevant field
  2. TA/DA is not admissible for coming test/interview.
  3. 2% special quota is reserved for Disabled person
  4. Age limit retired army personnel is 45 years.
  5. 10% seats are reserve for females.
  6. 2% seats are reserved for minorities.
  7. Applicant must write the name of position at the top corner of the envelope.
  8. Application alongwith 2xpassport size photographs, CNIC< Domicile, Education/Experience Certificates duly attested and telephone / mobile numbers should reach 303 Spares Depot EME Lahore Cantt within 15 days of advertisement.
  9. Only eligible / suitable candidates will be called for test / interview, incomplete applications or application received after due date will not be considered. Two envelops with RS. 20 postal stamps and complete address of applicant must be attached with applications.
  10. Each application should be forward at in the name of Commandant 303 Spares Depot EME Lahore Cantt alongwith Rs. 200/- Bank Draft.
  11. Candidate applying for the post (1 to 8) must attach bank draft of Rs. 200/- with application in the name of Commandant 303 Spares Depot EME Lahore Cant.


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