University of Sargodha Jobs 02/2021


Latest Jobs in University of Sargodha March 2021

Applications for the following posts on permanent basis are invited from Pakistani Nationals on the prescribed form which can be downloaded from University website

Post Requirements
  Professor (BS-21) Minimum Qualification:
Ph.D. degree in relevant field, recognized by HEC in consultation with PEC.
15- Years teaching/research experience in a recognized Institution/College/ University or 15-years professional experience in the relevant field in a National or International organization out of which 5-years must be teaching experience.
10-years post-Ph.D. teaching/research experience in an HEC recognized University or a post-graduate Institution or professional experience in the relevant field in a National or International organization.
15 research publications with at least 5 in last five years in HEC/PEC recognized journals.
Associate Professor (BS-20)  Minimum Qualification
PhD in the relevant field from Institution recognized by HEC in consultation with PEC
10-years teaching/research experience in a recognized Institution/ College/University or 10-years professional experience in the relevant field in a National or International Organization out of which 2-years must be teaching experience.
5-years post PhD teaching/ research experience in an HEC recognized University or a post-graduate Institution or professional experience in the relevant field in a National or International organization.
 Minimum Number of Publications
10 research publications with at least 4 in the last 5 years in HEC/PEC recognized journals
Lecturer (BS-18) Minimum Qualification:
First Class MS/MPhil/equivalent degree awarded after 18 Years of education in the relevant field from an HEC recognized University/Institution with no 3rd division in the academic career.
Condition of no 3rd division shall not be applicable in the qualification of appointment as lecturer in Universities or Degree Awarding Institutions provided that the candidate holds a higher degree viz PhD or equivalent degree with not more than one 3rd division in entire academic career.
Minimum Number of Publications:
Lab. Engineer (BS-17)  Minimum Qualification
BSc Engineering (First Class) in relevant field.
21-30 year
Computer Programmer (BS-17) Master in Computer Science or equivalent from recognized University.
Age: 30 years
(Note: This is the upper age limit)
Research Officer (BS-17) Post-graduate with skillful knowledge of SPSS, Office Documentations, Spread
Sheets, Data Bases etc. No third division in academic career.
Age: 30 years
(Note: This is the upper age limit)


  • Only short listed candidates will be called for Test /
  • The prescribed application form can be downloaded from University of Sargodha website
  • Candidates for all positions are required to fill the application form in MS Word and submit three copies in case of Professor & Associate Professor and one copy of application for others along with complete C.V and attested copies of testimonials in both hard and soft form (CD/DVD).
  • Candidates applying for more than one post shall submit separate applications with necessary documents, complete in all
  • Foreign degree holders must be provided equivalence certificate issued by the
  • Applications must be accompanied with original bank deposit slip/University Challan Form of Rs. 1000/- in case of Professor & Associate Professor and Rs.500/- for others as processing fee (non-refundable) to be deposited under Head of Account “Collection” in HBL A/C No. 00427991777803, University of Sargodha.
  • Two most recent passport size photographs should be affixed on each
  • Candidates already in service of a Government/Semi-Government Department or an Autonomous Body must apply through proper channel by the due date; otherwise their applications shall not be
  • Applications received after the last date will not be entertained; even if posted before the closing
  • Incomplete applications shall also not be
  • As per Policy, General Age Relaxation for Males upto 05 years and for Females upto 08 years in upper age limit is allowed for non-teaching positions.
  • Closing date for the post of Professor & Associate Professor is 04.2021 and for others is 05.04.2021.
  • The University reserves the right to increase or decrease the post(s) according to the need of the university and reserves the rights not to fill/withdraw any post/withhold the appointment against any advertised post without assigning any


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