Ten Billion Tree Tsunami Programme Jobs


Latest Jobs in Ten Billion Tree Tsunami Programme September 2020

Under the provision of recruitment of staff for Project Management Unit under the PC-I Ten Billion Tree Tsunami (Phase-I) / Green Pakistan Program Punjab (Revised)” in the Office of Secretary, Govt. of the Punjab, Forestry Wildlife & Fisheries Department Lahore, applications are required from all over the Punjab for the posts mentioned as follows:

Name of Post Qualification and experience
Data Analyst   M.Sc. in Space Science or GIS (26° Division) from a recognized University with twoyears’ experience of  use of GIS application in the field of forestry or other natural resources: or
BS (four year program) in Space Science (2nd Division) from a recognized University with two years’ experience in the line including one year’s experience of use of GIS application in the field of forestry or other natural resources.
Network Administrator  Masters degree (1st Division or Grade-B) in Computer Science or equivalent degree from Recognized University 2 years’ experience in the field of Computer Networking including 1 year experience as Network Engineer or Network Administrator.
MCSE and CCNA certification.
Computer Operator  Bachelor’s Degree (2r4 Division) from Recognized University along with 4 months training in computer language or BCS (2,4 Division) from Recognized University.
Typing speed 40 words per minutes.
Chowkidar Primary School certificate
  • The recruitment will be purely on contractual basis for the project period.
  • All degrees and experience certificates, Domicile, CNIC, and 2 Photographs along with detailed CV should be attached with the Applications.
  • All applications must be received in this office up to 18.09.2020.
  • The name of post for which candidate willing to apply should be clearly mentioned on the envelops.
  • Incomplete and after due date applications will not be acceptable and will be rejected without any information. In this regard, this office will not issue any informatory correspondence.
  • All the candidates should submit their applications in the office of the Project Director Ten Billion Tree Tsunami (Phase-I) / Green Pakistan Programme (Revised). 108 Ravi Road. Lahore through Registered AD.
  • Candidates must bring their original documents at the time of interview.
  • No TN DA will be allowed to candidates on test/ Interview.
  • The Department is authorized for short listing the candidates according to their eligibility and experience. The Decision by the Departmental Selection committee will be final.
  • The employees of the Forest Department can apply for Posts as per criteria mentioned in each post after getting NOC for the Competent Authority through proper channel.
  • The date of interview of the all posts will be displayed after short listing of the candidates.
  • The list of short listed candidates will be affixed at the office of the Project Director Ten Billion Tree Tsunami (Phase-I) / Green Pakistan Programme (Revised). 108 Ravi Road, Lahore on 22.09.2020.
  • The selected Candidates will not establish any claim for the permanent appointment against these posts.
  • The Project Allowance will be admissible as defined by the Planning & Development Department and Finance Department.
  • The Candidates should remain in contact with this office for further information.


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