Social Welfare and Bait ul Maal Department


The concept of social welfare is not new in our country. The spirit of doing good to the fellow beings and the enthusiasm for taking part in activities for the well being of the under-privileged can be traced back to times immemorial. To render help to the less fortunate brethren was an essential obligation of all, and was regarded as a means of salvation of serving God. Thus, every aspect of our culture was predominated by humanitarian philosophy. Political dependency and economic backwardness have been the main obstacles in the development of social work in the form of institutional services. After independence, social work has assumed new dimensions in Pakistan. The sources of welfare activities are inherent in the constitution. It is on the basis of the national constitution that the government has established Social Welfare Department. This department has sought to serve the development and rehabilitation needs of the weaker sections of society especially the physically and socially handicapped, women and children, the vulnerable sections of the community in rural and urban areas.

Social Welfare Department is working with the vision of providing an equitable and well-functioning social protection system anchored at the principles of empowerment and inclusion for all, particularly the marginalized. In addition to coordinate and ensuring responsive social protection services to the communities in general, poor and vulnerable in particular, by mobilizing partnerships and developing organizational capacities.

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