Rescue 1122 Punjab Emergency Service Department Jobs 2022


Latest Jobs in Rescue 1122 Punjab Emergency Service Department August 2022

Following staff required for Rescue 1122 Punjab Emergency Service Department:

Vacant Posts:

Name of Post Requisite Qualification
Computer Telephone Wireless Operator (CTWO) B. Com or D. Com or OAE (computer science) with 2nd Division from a recognized institution. Must be computer literate with typing speed of 30 WPM.
Age 20.30 Years.
Emergency Medico! Technician (EMT) Nursing or Paramedical Diploma from Recognized institution.
Age 20-30 Years.
Fire / DERT Rescuers (FOR) Diploma of Associate Engineering (Chemical, Electronics, Mining, Mechanical, Civil, Electrical, Telecommunication, Architecture) from recognized technical Board or Institution. Swimmer will be preferred.
Age 20.30 Years.
Rescue Driver (LTV) Matric with LTV or HTV License.
Age 20 – 30 Years.
Sanitary Worker (SW) Preferably Literate.
Age 18 – 30 Years.
Security Guard (SG) Ex-Army personnel with minimum height 5′ 8″. Preferably Literate.
Age 30 – 50 Years.

How to Apply?

  1. Candidates are directed to apply online on Pakistan Testing Service PTS) website or link available at PESO website latest by 15-08-2022. Candidates are directed to send their forms along with relevant documents by Postal mad to Pakistan Testing Service. PTS will not accept the forms by Hand.
  2. Only completely filed online applications fulfilling the complete criteria shall be accepted. All the documents are accepted provisionally and oiler of appointment is subject to verification of documents, Police Verification. Successful completion of boring and clearance by the medical board constituted by Government of the Punjab
  3. Written and psychological/ aptitude tests of applicants shat be held at designated places as mentioned on Roll no slips which can be downloaded from PIS website after one week of last date of submission of application forms. Original CNIC and Roll Number Slip is Mandatory for test entry. Candidates are not aimed to bring cell phones to the examination centers. Change of test center, category is not allowed. Any amendment will be communicated through PTS & PESO websites
  4. ONLY candidates qualifying both written and psychological aptitude tests shall be eligible for Physical and Skill Tests. The list of qualifying candidates for Physical & Skill Tests shall be displayed on PTS & Rescue websites along with the Physical and Skill tests dates and centers. The skill tests shall be conducted at designated places by the PTS.
  5. The final list of candidates qualifying for Interviews along with the interview schedule shall be displayed on PTS & PESO websites. The interview shall be conducted at the Emergency Services Headquarters & Academy located in ‘Dakar Niaz Bag. Lahore. At the lime of Interview candidates shall present original documents along with three sets of attested copies of all the relevant documents and six passport size pictures and also submit a medical report issued by the Government Teaching Hospital or OHO Hospital regarding their physical examination (height. weight. chest eyesight and physical deformities) and laboratory tests to Hepatitis B&C, HIV and RPR at the time of physical test. Candidates have to justify their eligibility as per advertised criteria. The candidature/ selection/ appointment will be cancelled at any stage of recruitment or training and even after appointment, in case any information is found to be missing, false or forged. No relaxation in age or qualification (Army/CMI)shall be given.
  6. Any person with weak eye sight , obesity with BMI 30 or above and Hepatitis B & C, HIV and RPR positive shall be slated at any stage Preference will be given to the candidates with height more than 5.6′ whereas minimum chest size Will be 33″. Candidates are deeded to apply only for one suitable posh however appropriate candidate may be adjusted against other suitable post on recommendation of The Recruitment Committee. Service may increase or decrease posts depending on availability.
  7. local residents as per CHIC will be given preference. 5% quota shall be reserved for minorities and 15% quota shah be reserved for females. Shemales can also apply In case of the large number of applicants, only applications with preferred/enhanced criteria shall be considered.

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