Police Department Sindh Jobs


Latest Jobs in Police Department Sindh November 2020

Applications are invited from the candidates having domiciled of Sindh Province concerned District) to fill the posts of Junior Clerk (BPS-11) vacant in Karachi and Sukkur Regions.


  1. Application processing fee of Rs.290/- (non-refundable)
    for written part is required to be deposited in PTS account. However; 50/will be deposited separately. Application form alongwith deposit slip can be download. from PTS Website
  2. Application should not be accompanied with any document.
    All candidates shall sign a declaration that all information provided by him / her is correct.
  3. The actual verification of original certificates will only no
    done in respect’ of candidates who are called for “Interview” and any applicant having made an incorrect / false declaration shall stand disqualified automatically at any
  4. Candidates already in Government Service fulfilling the
    condition of eligibility criteria can also apply.
  5. General relaxation of 15 years in upper age limit is allowed
    as per policy of Government of Sindh.
  6. Additional 15 Marks shall be given to candidates, who are
    the sons / daughters of retired employees of Sindh Police or Serving employees of Sindh Police having 25 years qualifying service.
  7. Candidates qualified In written test shall only be called for tying test by PTS.
  8. Candidates qualified in typing test shall have to write 100
    words Essay in each English & Urdu or Sindhi within 30 minutes, on the day of interview.
  9. Dale, time & venue of all tests & Interview shall also be
    intimated later through letters, SMS and PTS website (www.pts.org.pk),
  10. The applicants can be posted anywhere in Sindh.
  11. Sindh Police has the right to increase or decrease the number of vacancies.
  12. Post reserved for Disable Quota sitar be advertised separately.
  13. Candidates who do not fulfill the given criteria are advised not to submit application.
  14. No TA/DA will be given for test/interview.


  • Please download the Application form and Deposit Slip from PTS Website Pay the prescribed test fee in any of the country wide online branches of HBL and UBL and fill up the Application Form properly.
  • Please send the filled-up Application Form along with Paid copy of I he PTS Deposit Silp  in original to PTS Headquarter, 3rd Floor, Adeel Plaza, FazleHaq Road, Blue Area, Islamabad.
  • PTS shall not be held responsible for late delivery of Application Forms through Post / courier services.
  • Application Forms improperly filled-up, incomplete without paid copy of deposit slip, hand written post where option for selection of post is already available” and submitted by hand will not be entertained.
  • Last Date for Submission of Application Form is 30.11.2020
  • Applications received after expiry of the last date will not be entertained & shall stand ineligible.

NOTE: Please do not attach educational certificates with the application form at this stage.


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