Pakistan Tourism Development Corporation Jobs


Latest Jobs in Pakistan Tourism Development Corporation July 2020

Pakistan Tourism Development Corporation invites job applications for the following posts:-

  1. General Managers (2 Vacant Posts)
  2. Managers (4 Vacant Posts)
  3. Assistant Mangers (14 Vacant Posts)
  4. M& Specialists (2 Vacant Posts)
  5. Coordinators (2 Vacant Posts)


  • Details available on PTDC website.
  • Selection is based on qualifications, experience, Skills and interview
  • No TA/DA will be admissible for the interview.
  • Incomplete application as well as received after due date shall not be entertained.
  • PTDC reserves the right to cancel recruitment process at any stage.
  • Applicant in Govt service shall produce NOC
  • Dead Line 07-August-2020


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