Home Latest Jobs Government Jobs National University of Medical Sciences (NUMS) Jobs

National University of Medical Sciences (NUMS) Jobs


Latest Jobs in National University of Medical Sciences (NUMS) November / December 2020

National University of Medical Sciences (NUMS) is a Federal Public Sector University, with primary responsibility to promote and achieve excellence in advanced health education, research and service delivery. The Rawalpindi Campus houses the NUMS Institute of Advance Studies & Research (NIASR), which is dedicated to conduct cutting edge research and evidence based teaching in basic, applied and clinical disciplines alongwith Social & Behavioral Sciences. NUMS following a holistic educational philosophy wherein Social Sciences and Humanities are included among core subjects alongwith medical & biological sciences in Undergraduate & Graduate Programs. All these domains will function with their independent faculties, but in relevance to accomplishment of NUMS vision and mission.

Pursuing its mission of “understanding and improving life through innovation in healthcare the university is also establishing a comprehensive, integrated evidence based “NUMS Healthcare Model”.

NUMS is seeking applications from Pakistani national of high caliber, self-motivated and reflective professionals having excellent interpersonal communications skills for following NUMS faculty and administrative positions on “Contractual Basis” (renewable): –

  1. Professor (Philosophy) NPS/ TTS
  2. Associate Professor (Philosophy) NPS/ TTS
  3. Assistant Professor (Philosophy) NPS/ TTS
  4. Associate Professor (Periodontology) AMC – NPS/ TTS
  5. Professor (Public Health) – NUMS/NIASR
  6. Associate Professor (Public Health) – NUMS/NIASR
  7. Professor (Nutrition) – NUMS/NIASR
  8. Associate Professor (Nutrition) – NUMS/NIASR
  9. Assistant Professor (Nutrition) – NUMS/NIASR
  10. Deputy Director (Quality Assurance)
  11. Assistant Director (Human Resources)
  12. Manager (Human Resources)
  13. Assistant Director (Academics)
  14. Assistant Director (Admissions & Registration)
  15. Manager (Examination)
  16. Manager (Industrial Linkages)
  17. Photographer
  18. Sub Office Assistant
  19. Office Attendant

Additional Information

1. Salary package will be determined according to qualification, experience & capability.
2. Age limit and experience relaxable under special circumstances.
3. Interested applicants can apply ONLINE through NUMS’ job portal i.e. http://careers.numspak.edu.pk/. Posts at Serial # 15 can also apply by sending their application forms and CVs on postal address given below. Application form is available at http://careers.numspak.edu.pk/
4. Application fee for posts at Serial No.1, 2, 4 & 5 to 10 is Rs.1500/- for Serial No. 3, 11 & 12 Rs 1000/- for Serial No 13 & 14 Rs 500/- Serial No. 15 is no Fee. Please deposit said fee at Habib Bank Ltd in NUMS account and upload proof of pay through NUMS job portal. Deposit separate fee for each post. Application without fee will not be entertained.
5. Last date for submission of applications is 07 December 2020. Incomplete applications shall be rejected.
6. The University authorities reserve the right to accept or reject any application without assigning any reason.
7. Only shortlisted candidates will be called for test/ interview.
8. Part time, honorary, apprentice, internee and freelance experience will not be counted towards the minimum experience required.
9. In case of selection, applicants presently working in Government, Semi Government and Autonomous Bodies should either resign or seek NOC from employer before joining.
10. For all positions only HEC certified/verified degrees and documents will be acceptable.
11. No TA/DA will be paid for test/interview.
12. Any clause not included in above mentioned terms & condition shall be dealt in accordance with the provisions on NUMS Statutes

Contact Details

Director Human Resource,
NUMS Secretariat, C/O Pak Emirates Military Hospital (PEMH), The Mall, Rawalpindi Cantt.
Phone no. 051-9271878


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