Ministry of National Food Security & Research Jobs


Latest Jobs in Ministry of National Food Security & Research July 2020

Applications are invited for the following posts on contract basis for the period of one year extendable for another year in the Department of Plant Protection MTh National Food Security & Research (MNFSR) for Locust Survey & Control in Desert areas of the country. The requisite criteria is mentioned against each post.

Name of Post No. of
Entomologist (BS-17) 100 M.Sc. (Agri) or B.Sc. (Hons) in Agriculture obtained after six years posts Matric study with specialization in Entomology/Plant Protection or M.Sc. (Zoology) with Entomology.
M.Sc. (Agri.) or B.Sc. (Hons.) in Agriculture obtained after six
years post Matric study with specialization in Plant Pathology or M.Sc. (Botany) with Plant Pathology/ Mycology/ Microbiology
Locust Assistant (BS- 11) 50 i) Graduate
ii) Capacity of undergoing hard desert life.
Driver (BS-05) 50 Literate, 5 years experience of heavy vehicles driving, in desert and field duty of vehicles including emergency road side repair during field and desert duty.

Terms & Conditions:-

  1. Eligible candidates should submit their applications on prescribe form and submit it at mailing address within the 15 days of this advertisement.
  2. Applicants already in Government Service may apply through proper channel and would be required to produce NOC at the time of interview.
  3. Applicants shortlisted for interview shall produce original documents along with set of attested copies of degrees/certificates issued by HEC/recognized Board/Universities/Institutes.
  4. Maximum five years of age relaxation is allowed in upper age limit as per rules.
  5. Information provided in the application form will be verified and in case of any false or forge information and fake or bogus document. Ministry of National Food Security and Research reserves the right to cancel the candidature at any stage (even after employment, if so discovered later) and to initiate a legal action against the applicant.
  6. TA/DA will be admissible for appearing in test/interview.
  7. Only shortlisted applicants will be called for written/interview at Lahore, Karachi, Quetta, Peshawar and Islamabad.
  8. The department of Plant Protection, M/o NFSR reserves the rights to cancel the recruitment process in part or whole, increase/decrease the numbers of post as per requirement against any post at any stage without assigning any reason.

(Tariq Mebmood Dab)
Section Officer (Admn-II)
Ministry of National Food Security & Research Room No. 411, 4th Floor, B-Block, Pak-Sectt. Islamabad.


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