Jobs in Ministry of Water Resources


Latest Jobs in Ministry of Water Resources May 2020

Ministry of Water Resources intends to hire the services of a high-ranking engineer, competent in the field of hydrology and water use, for the post of Pakistan Commissioner for Indus Waters. He should be equipped with highest degree of technical proficiency of the dams design/operation, excellent interpersonal skills, thorough understanding of legal niceties of the transboundary water issues. The PCIW will be required to implement the IWT faithfully in close coordination with the national and international stakeholders in order to safeguard the best strategic national interests.

Pay Scale of the Post Special Professional Pay Scale – III. Pay package as specified by the Government of Pakistan,  Establishment Division vide O.M No. 1/11/2018- E-6 dated 22-03-2019 read with O.M No. 1/11/2018-E-6 dated 26-4-2019.
No. of Post 1
Requisite Qualification Bachelor’s Degree in Civil Engineering or equivalent from any National or International University recognized by HEC with subjects of Water Resources Engineering / Engineering Hydrology / Hydraulics & Irrigation Engineering/Hydropower Engineering duly registered with Pakistan Engineering Council. OR
Master’s Degree in Civil Engineering/Water Resources Engineering /Engineering
Hydrology/Hydraulics & Irrigation Engineering/Hydropower Engineering registered with
Pakistan Engineering Council from any HEC recognized National or International
University. OR
M.Phil / Ph.D in Civil Engineering/Water Resources Engineering/Engineering
Hydrology/Hydraulics & Irrigation Engineering/Hydropower Engineering from any National or international University recognized by HEC.
Additional Masters Degree or M.Phil ; Ph.D in Diplomacy, Negotiations, International Relations or Legal Instruments between sovereign States besides above referred qualifications will be given preference.
Age Limit Maximum 63 years (on the last date of submission of application)
Experience Minimum twenty (20) years experience in any or all the fields of Planning & Design
Studies/Construction/Water Resource Management/ Water Resource Development/ Maintenance and Operation of irrigation or River Works in a responsible position equivalent to BPS-17 and above in Government/Semi Government, national and international organizations. In case of higher qualification, in the relevant field, for M.Sc, M.Phil the experience may be relaxed upto two (02) years and for Ph.D upto five (05) years.
Responsibilities / Job Description i. Overall implementation of the Indus Waters Treaty 1960 and all Transboundary Waters matters with the neighboring countries vis. Afghanistan and Iran and other regional countries (China, Central Asian Republics, Nepal, Bangladesh, Far Eastern Countries etc).
ii. Interaction with Indian Commissioner for Indus Waters through correspondence and telephonic exchanges representing Pakistan’s point of view in light of the Indus Water Treaty 1960.
iii. Formulating composition of Pakistan delegation visiting India for fulfilling the obligations stipulated in the Indus Waters Treaty 1960 in consultation with all stakeholders.
iv. Leading Pakistan delegation for conducting meetings of the Permanent Indus Commission and General as well as Special Tours of Inspections.
v. Strategic planning on raising differences and disputes at the commission level and declare failure on behalf of Pakistan in case of deadlock.
vi. Represent PCIW in close collaboration with legal counsel and stakeholders in pursuing Pakistan’s official case for successful dispute resolution at third party forum (Court of Arbitration or Neutral Expert).
vii. Ensuring professional and career development of the office of PCIW besides looking after administrative and financial matters.
viii. Ensuring Inter-agency collaboration with the ministries / divisions / departments / and local and international agencies.
ix. Develop and implement regional program including Joint Integrated Water
Resource Management (IWRM) plan in Transboundary basins in order to improve socio¬economic and environmental situation of the region.
x. Improving institutional structure of regional & basin organizations by establishing cooperation framework as an extension of Pakistan’s foreign policy.
xi. Render advice to the Government of Pakistan, Ministry of Planning, Development & Reforms, Ministry of Finance and Foreign Office on developing interstate relations on the basis of International law & best practices by building scenarios and economic models on share water use and management aiming at enhancing interstate cooperation & protection of Transboundary Waters.
xii. Strengthening & enlarging collaboration with International organizations & donor community in the field of water including environmental & climate impacts.
xiii. Representing the department in person or through a suitable representative/counsel from the office of PCIW in the standing committees of parliament as well as in the Courts.
xiv. Execute any other task assigned by the MoWR concerning water resources planning, development, management, etc. of any scheme/project within the country.
xv. Act as focal person for periodic interaction with media as designated representative of the Government concerning the above functions pertaining to Indus Water Treaty & transboundary waters.
Tenure of Appointment The appointment will be on contract initially for a period of two years extendable for a further period of two years contingent on result-based performance. There shall be no fresh appointment or extension in the appointment beyond the age of 65 years.
Termination of Contract The contract of appointment may be terminated on one month of notice on either side or payment of one month’s basic pay in leave thereof.
Leave during currency of contract The incumbent shall eam leave on full pay @3 days per month for the period of duty. The leave shall be availed during the currency of contract period.

Applicants working in Government/Semi-Government/Autonomous Bodies should route their applications through proper channel duly accompanied with NOC. The application complete in all respect supported with C.V and testimonials should reach the undersigned within 15 days after publication of this advertisement in the press.

Sheheryar Abbasi, Section Officer (Adorn-1)
Ministry of Water Resources, G-5/1 Islamabad


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