Jobs in Ministry of National Health Services, Regulations & Coordination Nation Immunization Support Project (NISP)


Ministry of National Health Services, Regulations & Coordination Nation Immunization Support Project (NISP) Jobs

The Government of Pakistan (GoP) has signed Project with the ‘World Bank’ for supporting its National Expanded Programme on Immunization and Pandemic Response Effectiveness Project PREP (ER) Cell .The development objective of the project is to increase equitable coverage of services for immunization against vaccine preventable diseases (VPD), including poliomyelitis, for children between 0 and 23 months in Pakistan. The project has five implementing units, Federal ER for Federating areas and four Provincial EPI for the respective Provinces.

Project /Reference No:173796 WB-(PREP): The Government of Pakistan (GoP) has signed Project with the World Bank for supporting to Pandemic Response Effectiveness In Pakistan (PREP) for COVID -19.The development objective The project development objective is to prepare and respond to the COVID-19 pandemic in Pakistan and strengthen national systems for public health preparedness Beside supporting COVID-19 preparedness and response in the health it also includes mitigation measures in social protection and education to help the poor and vulnerable cope with the immediate impact of the pandemic.

Expanded Programme on Immunization M/o NHSR&C invites the following Individual (“Consultants”) to indicate their interest in providing the below mentioned services for the World Bank Funded Projects National Immunization Support Project (NISP) and in addition for (PREP) for COVID-19 Program too. Interested Consultants should provide information indicating that they are qualified to perform the indicated services.

  • ESMP Coordinators
  • Internal /Pre Audit Officer
  • Financial Management Specialists
  • Procurement Management & Supply Chain Coordinator /Officer
  • Finance Management Officer

How to Apply:-

  1. TORs can be downloaded from: http:// in Immunization News Event /Updates. Qualified female candidates are encouraged to apply.
  2. Consultants will be selected in accordance with the procedures set out in Section V of the World Bank’s Guidelines: Selection and Employment of Consultants by World Bank Borrowers [January 2011 (Revised July 2014)] (“Consultant Guidelines”).Application along with Curriculum Vitae (CV), and CNIC must be delivered by courier /post to the address below within five working days of working hours from publication of this advertisement.
  3. The application submission after the period prescribed will not be acceptable.

National Programme Manager

Federal Expanded Programme on Immunization,

National Immunization Support Project (NISP)

PM’s Health Complex, Park Road, Chak Shahzad, Islamabad

Phone: 051-9255101, Fax: 051-9255086


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