Jobs in Ministry of Information and Broadcasting Islamabad


Ministry of Information and Broadcasting Islamabad Jobs

منسٹری آف انفارمیشن اینڈ براڈ کاسٹنگ

Ministry of Information and Broadcasting, Islamabad requires services of qualified, energetic, experienced and motivated individuals for appointment against the following positions on contract basis:-

Sr. No. Name of Post(s) Pay Scale No. of Posts
1. General Manager (Head of Digital Media Wing) MP-II 01-Post
2. Digital Media Consultant MP-III 01-Post
3. Digital Communication officer MP-III 05-Posts
4. Digital Videographer Lump-sum Salary of Rs.75,000/- 02-Posts
5. Video Editor -do- 03-Posts
6. Animator / Illustrator -do- 01-Post
7. NLE Lump-sum Salary of Rs.75,000/- 01-Post
8. Graphic Designer -do- 04-Posts
9. Content Writer -do- 05-Posts
  • All the posts are against merit quota. Recruitment against the above said Management Positions will be made according to the Government Policy for Recruitment against the Management Positions as amended from time to time. The Government servants meeting the above qualification and experience prescribed for the post may also apply through proper channel and in case of their selection they would either resign from Government service or seek retirement, severing their connection/lien with their parent Cadre, Ministry, Division, Organization, etc.
  • The recruitment against the lump sum salary of Rs. 75,000/- per month will be made initially for a period of one year extendable, if required.
  • Detailed qualification, experience and other eligibility requirements for the posts may be downloaded from website of the Ministry (
  • Application on the prescribed form, available on the website of the Ministry (, alongwith CV and copies of all relevant education/experience certificates including CNIC and one recent passport size photograph may be sent at the following address within 15 days of the publication of this advertisement.
  • Incomplete applications or received after due date will not be entertained.
  • Only shortlisted candidates will be called for skill test, wherever is required, and interview. The candidates may bring their credentials, in original, at the time of interview.
  • No TA/DA will be admissible for the journey performed for the test/interview.

Section Officer (E.I)
Ministry of Information and Broadcasting
Cabinet Block, 4th Floor, Room No. 4153
Islamabad -Ph: 9103659


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