Jobs in Institute of Financial Markets of Pakistan (IFMP)


Latest Jobs in Institute of Financial Markets of Pakistan (IFMP) May 2020

Institute of Financial Markets of Pakistan (IFMP), a public sector company licensed under section 42 of the companies act 2017, is seeking to appoint a dynamic individual for the position of a Chief Executive Officer, at its Head office based in Karachi, in accordance with Public Sector Companies Corporate Governance Rules 2013.

Qualification requirements:

  • Be a recognized businessman or professional with a postgraduate degree in business administration or public administration or finance or commerce or marketing or equivalent from HEC recognized institution; or
  • Be a member of a recognized body of professional accountants

Experience requirements:

  • Minimum 10 years of experience in Senior management role (preferably with professional institute or financial institution).
  • As chief executive or at a senior management level in similar organizations that have commercial attributes.
  • Experience of functioning of financial markets, skills development and certification programmes, preferably in some developed country or jurisdiction.
  • Experience in developing and implementing projects funded by multilateral institutional donors including activities like development of TORs, selecting consultants against predetermined criteria, reporting to donors and other allied activities; and
  • As prescribed under Public Sector Companies (Appointment of Chief Executive) Guidelines 2015.

MD Office (PMEX)
3B, 3rd Floor, Bahria Complex IV
Ch. Khalique-uz-Zaman Road
Gizri, Karachi


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