District Health Authority Sujawal Jobs


Latest Jobs in District Health Authority Sujawal November 2020

Applications are invited for the following posts:-

  1. Health Technician
  2. Midwife
  3. Vaccinator
  4. Ward Boy
  5. Ward Servant
  6. Sanitary worker
  7. Security Guard

All posts are not transferable and temporary

  • After Selection Appointment on the post the successful candidate will be posted in their Talukas preferably near position of their address.
  • The application should accompany the attested photo copies of qualification Matriculation Certificate. (Shorting date of Birth) Disabled Certificate. Domicile Certificate/1)NC. CNIC with mark of Disable and required qualification.
  • The all applications should reach to tins undersigned within 10 days of the publication of advertisement.
  • The candidate already in service should apply through proper channel.
  • No TA/DA will be admissible.
  • The Number of posts in any case may fluctuate according to availability.
  • The candidates are eligible to apply against the posts of only District Sujawal of Domicile.
  • Incomplete applications cannot be entertained.
  • After due date the application cannot be entertained.
  • Candidates applying for more than one positions need to apply separately for each position.
  • Candidates should write their cell no. and mailing address in legible hand writing on their CV/applications.


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