College Teaching Interns (CTIs) Jobs 2021


Latest College Teaching Interns (CTIs) Jobs January 2021

Higher Education Department, Government of the Punjab invites jobs applications for the posts of College Teaching Interns with following  term and conditions:-

FOR BS COLLEGES: MS/M.PHIL/PH.D (if not available MA/MSc may be considered) for all other colleges including Community Colleges:-
Master Degree / BS (FYDP) at least. 2nd Division in the relevant subject.
• Marks for Education Qualification: 85
• Marks for Qualification above Master Degree: 05
• Marks for positron holders in Board / University: 05
• Interview Marks: 05
(Interview marks will be awarded on satisfactory presentation by the candidate on the subject)
Rs. 45,000/- per month, the disbursement of stipend shall take place strictly through
cross cheques / bank accounts of selected CTI’s.
Age Limit
No age Limit.
Period of  Placement
Four months or till the arrival of regular incumbent / contract appointee, whichever is erlier. In case a new vacant situation occurs or a CTI resigns or is not wiling to Join, the next candidate in the merit list shall be given an opportunity to serve as CTI for the remaining period of contract within the criteria.
Two casual leaves per month.
No TA/DA is admissible
Term of Contract
Placement of College Teaching Interns (CTI) shall be purely temporary and slop gap arrangement, which can be terminated by the Selection Committee at any time due to unsatisfactory performance.
The placement shall be subject and college specific.
Placement through fake / bogus documents
If at any stage, it is discovered that any College Teaching Interns (CTI) obtained this placement on the basis of forged / bogus document or through deceit by any means, the placement shall be considered void ab initio and the CTI shall be liable to refund all amounts received from the Government as a consequence of his / her placement in addition to such other action as may be taken against him / her under the law.
Recovery of loss
The College Teaching Interns (CTI) will be liable to  recovery of any pecuniary loss caused to the employer.
Joining Period
The College Teaching Interns (CTI) will have to join duties within 7 days after the Issuance of offer of placement otherwise the offer shall stand withdrawn.
No right of regular placement
The placement shall not confer any right of regular placement nor shall such placement be regularized under any circumstances.
Experience Certificate
An Experience Certificate to the CTIs after successful completion of his / her tenure will be issued provided he / she meets the other criteria.
Formation of Union or Association
CM shall have no right to form Union or Association. If anybody found indulging in such activities, his / her placement shall automatically stand cancelled.
Procedure of submission  the applications 
(i) list of vacant positions will be place at notice  boards of each college  (male/female) on 13.01.2021.
(ii) Applications will be submitted from interesting candidates on 14.01.2021 to 15.01.2021.
(iii) Tentative merit list will be placed at the notice board of concerned college on 17.01.2021.
(iv) Complaints regarding merit list will be submitted to concerned Deputy Director (Colleges) w.e f 18-01-2021 to 19-01-2021
(v) Final merit list shall be placed at the notice board of concerned college on 20-01-2012.
Date of Interview
(i) 21.01.2021 to 23.01.2021
(ii) List of successful candidates will be placed at the notice board of concerned college on 25.01.2021.
Grievance Redressal Mechanism for the Candidates
A Grievance Redressal Committee will be notified in each division by the DPI (Colleges) comprising of the senior-most faculty members of the Division as Its convener and Director Colleges as co-convener. The Committee will also include two senior faculty members in the Division as its members. The committee will assemble in the office of the Deputy Director of Education (Colleges) and entertain the objections of the candidates of CTI on 26.01.2021 to 27.01.201. The formation and schedule of the committee will be disseminated on the I,ED website and the notice-board of each College where the recruitment of CTI Is required.
The Director Public Instruction (C), Punjab, Lahore, will be the final authority for addressing the complaints submitted by the candidates from 28.01.2021 to 29.01.2021.
Display of final merit list
Issuance of offer orders
Keeping in view the Pandemic COVID-19 situation, the date of joining may be communicated to the selectees later.


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