Bureau of Statistics Punjab Jobs Sep 2022


Latest Jobs in Bureau of Statistics Punjab Jobs September 2022

Bureau of Statistics (BOS), Planning & Development Board, Government of the Punjab, on behalf of Labour Welfare Department ICT, Islamabad, is conducting “ICT Child Labour Survey” in Islamabad. Applications from the suitable qualified candidates on purely daily wage basis for a period of about 34 working days are invited as per following eligibility criteria :

Name of Vacancy

  1. Listers
  2. Mappers


Intermediate (2nd Division), Experience related to Household Listing/Mapping will be preferred. (Preference will be given to candidates having knowledge of using Android Mobile / Tablet).

Interested Candidates (Pakistani & AJK nationals) are requested to appear in interviews along with duly filled in application form, original documents, testimonials along with one set of photocopies of all testimonials/ documents with two recent passport size photographs according to the following schedule:

  • Venue

Bureau of Statistics, Field Office,
ABAD Complex, Near 6th road, Murree
Road, Rawalpindi. Tel: 051-9292035

  • Time & Date

September 24, 2022, Saturday 9:00 A.M to 4:00 P.M


  1. No. of positions may be increased or decreased as per requirement.
  2. About 20% additional workforce will also be called for training, while for field work, final selection of listers and mappers will be performance based, during the training session.
  3. of days of field work may increase or decrease depending upon the work load.
  4. Selection will be made on open merit basis, and shall be purely temporary, on daily wage basis, and there will be no right of being permanent whatsoever.
  5. Final decision of the Authority shall not be challenged at any court/ forum.
  6. Authority may terminate the contract of any candidate at any stage without any reason.
  7. Selected/ shortlisted candidates will be informed telephonically to participate in training.
  8. Candidates who get training and intentionally do not join field work when needed, shall not be paid any remuneration of training session at all.
  9. Successful candidates shall sign an agreement with BOS for their availability and completion of the task.
  10. Absence/ poor performance shall lead to termination of contract.
  11. During the course of this purely temporary assignment, Department shall not be liable to pay any health/risk insurance to health/ life of any candidate.
  12. The application Proforma is available at Bureau’s website bos.gop.pk
  13. No TA/DA will be admissible for interview.



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