Planning & Development Board Punjab Jobs


Latest Jobs in Planning & Development Board Punjab June 2021

Planning & Development Board  tends to hire the services of following individuals having qualification and experience mentioned below:-

  1. Sr. Program Specialist
  2. Environmental Design & Implementation Specialist
  3. Monitoring & Evaluation Specialist
  4. Procurement & Finance Expert
  5. Research Analyst (Resource Efficiency)
  6. Research Analyst (Environmental Policy & Safeguard
  7. Research Analyst (Environmental Communication)
  8. Research Analyst (Environmental Informatics)
  9. Research Associate (Resource Efficiency)
  10. Research Associate (Sustainable Development)
  11. Research Associate (Environmental Policy & Safeguard)
  12. Network Support Associate
  13. Admin & Accounts Assistant
  14. Auto CAD Operator
  15. Document Controller
  16. Office Assistant / Store In-charge
  17. Data Processing Assistant
  18. Dispatch Rider
  19. Security Guard
  20. Sweeper


  • Prospective applicants are advised to read requisite qualification, age, experience, and job descriptions thoroughly available on departmental Website for better understanding of the project / roles / responsibilities.
  • All positions arc project based for the duration of the project.
  • Interested candidates from Sr. 1 to 18 can only apply through given below link. Hard copies of documents against respective serial numbers will NOT be accepted. The last date of submission of applications for the posts from Sr. no 1 to18 is June 25, 2021
  • Interested candidates from Sr. 19 to 22 may send their applications by post including updated CVs, attested copies of CNIC, Passport size photographs, educational and experience certificates on the address mentioned below. Last date of submission for posts from sr. no 19 to 22 is June 25. 2021 (before office closing timings).
  • Incomplete / irrelevant applications without requisite experience / documents are liable to be rejected.
  • Only shortlisted candidates will be called for test / interview.
  • If any instruction available on the website or advertisement is found contradictory to the relevant Law, Rules and Regulations and Policy Decision, the relevant Laws, Rules and Regulations and Policy Decisions of the Punjab Government will prevail over the institutions
  • Persons already in Government Service should send their applications through proper channel and attach NOC issued by the concerned department employer.
  • No TA/DA shall be admissible to those called for test / Interview.
  • The competent authority reserves the rights to increase/decrease the number of positions or cancellation of any position without any reason.
  • All recruitments will be made as per applicable Government Policies / Rules / Regulations of contract appointment.


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