Jobs in Pakistan Real Estate Investment & Management Company (PRIMACO)


Pakistan Real Estate Investment & Management Company (PRIMACO) Jobs

PRIMACO intends to hire “Project based staff” (from Sr#3 to 14) for its Project Management Unit at Lahore. Applications are invited from suitable candidates on following posts:-

  1. The Engineer
  2. Project Manager
  3. Chief Resident Engineer
  4. Resident Engineer (Civil/Electrical/Mechanical)
  5. Assistant Resident Engineer (Civil/Electrical/Mechanical)
  6. Planning Engineer (Civil)
  7. Planning Engineer (MEP)
  8. Quantity Surveyor
  9. Site Inspector
  10. Auto Cad Operator
  11. Material Controller
  12. Office Assistant
  13. Office Boy
  14. Driver
  15. Assistant

How to Apply:-

  • Application form along with CV (Without educational Documents) should reach the undersigned within fifteen days of the publication of this advertisement on below mentioned postal address
  • No TA/DA will be admissible
  • Competent Authority reserves all the rights to accepts or reject any of all of the application without assigning any reason and cancel recruitment to any / all posts

Manager (HR)

2nd Floor, EOBI House, Mauve Area, G-10/4, Islamabad, Telephone: 051-9108254-55

Download Application Form


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