Banking Sector Jobs October 2020


Latest Jobs in Banking Sector October 2020

One of the largest banks of the country is inviting applications against the following positions from professionals with proven track record and capacity to perform as a catalyst for transformation in a challenging environment.

The individuals who fulfill the below-mentioned basic eligibility criteria may apply for the following positions:

Career Opportunities

• Divisional Head Procurement
• General Banking Officer
• Cash Officer
• Accounting Officer
• Payments Officer
• SBP Reporting Officer
• Shariah Expert

Interested candidates may apply now

Career Opportunities

• Branch Manager
• Operations Manager
• General Banking Officer
• Cash Officer
• Wing Head HR Litigation
• Enterprise Service Bus (EBS & Integration Architect lead)
• Team Lead Payment Cards
• Team Lead Digital Services
• NOC Support Officer
• Support Officer Alternate Delivery Channel & ATM Settlement
• Support Officer MIS Development

Interested candidates may apply now

Jobs in Polio Programme

• Town Communication Officer
• Union Council Communication Officer
• Area Level Social Mobilizer
• House to House Social Mobilizer

How to apply

Interested candidates can share their profiles at


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