Prime Minister’s Office Jobs


Latest Jobs in Prime Minister’s Office June 2021

Applications are invited for recruitment in the Prime Minister’s Office (Public), having requisite qualification, domicile and age limit against the following positions:-

Name of Post Qualification & Experience
Stenotypist i) Intermediate
ii) Minimum Speed of 80/40 w.p.m in shorthand/typing respectively.
iii) Must be computer literate.
Documentation Officer i) Graduate with strong computer skills
ii) Two years experience in office work
iii) Good communication skills in English and Urdu languages.
Medical Assistant i) F.Sc (Pre-Medical) with 1 year  Diploma of Dispenser
Dispenser i) Matric with Dispenser Course
Naib Qasid i) Primary Pass
Office Boy  i) Primary Pass


  • The candidates will be required to appear in a Skill/Proficiency Test, wherein applicable.
  • The general age relaxation in upper age limit would be applicable as admissible under the rules.
  • Government Servants are advised to apply through proper channel and will be required to provide NOC of their organization concerned at the time of interview.
  • Incomplete applications and those received after due date will not be entertained.
  • Date, place and time of test and interview will be intimated in due course.
  • No TA/DA will be admissible for appearing in test and interview.
  • Bring original documents at the time of Interview.
  • The posts mentioned at Sr. No. 2 and Sr. No. 06 are required to be filled on contract basis for a period of two
  • Candidates applying for the post of Stenotypist (BS-14) against post reserved for person with disabilities are required to provide a copy of disability certificate with application and original certificate at the time of interview.
  • *The post mentioned at S.No. 05 shall be filled 50% from amongst the person domiciled in ICT in terms of Establishment Division Notification SRO NO. 791(1)/2020 dated 24-08-2020.


  1. Interested candidates having above mentioned qualifications and falling within the age limit should submit their applications on prescribed proforma within 15 days of publication of this advertisement.
  2. Application form is available at the end of this post.
  3. Applications submitted by hand will not be entertained.
  4. Post applied for must clearly be mentioned on the top right corner of the envelope.
  5. For further details, contact the Administration Wing of PMO on Phone:051-9008541


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