Lahore Cantonment Board Medical College Jobs


Latest jobs in Lahore Cantonment Board Medical College August / September

Applications are invited from the eligible candidates to fill up the following posts in Lahore Cantonment Board Medical College and LCB Teaching Hospital purely on contract basis under the provision of cantonment Act, 1924 with fixed pay and package which would be decided by the Cantonment Board in consultation with ML&C Department on case to case basis:

Name of Post No. of Vacs
Principal of LCB Medical College 1
Professor of Basic Sciences (Anatomy -1, Physiology 1, Biochemistry- 1, Pharmacology -1, Pathology -2, Forensic Medicine- 1, Community Medicine – 1) 8
Associate professor of Basic Sciences (Anatomy -1, Physiology 1, Biochemistry- 1, Pharmacology -1, Pathology -2, Community Medicine – 1) 7
Assistant Professor of Basic Sciences (Anatomy-2, Physiology-2, Biochemistry-2, Pharmacology-1, Pathology-4, forensic Medicine-1, Community Medicine-2) 14
Demonstrators of Basic Sciences. (Anatomy -6, Physiology-6, Biochemistry-4, Pharmacology- 5, Pathology-6, forensic Medicine-3, Community Medicine-5) 35
Professor of Clinical Sciences (Medicine -2,Surgery-2, Gynecology – 1 , Paediatrics-1, Eye-1, ENT-1, Orthopedics-1) 9
Associate Professor of Clinical Sciences (Medicine -2,Surgery-2, Gynecology – 2 , Paediatrics-1, Eye-1, ENT-1, Anaesthesia-1, Radiology-1) 11
Assistant Professor of Clinical Sciences (Medicine -2, Surgery-2, Gynecology -2 , Paediatrics-1, Eye- 1, ENT-1, Anesthesia-1, Radiology- 1, Psychiatry-1, Dermatology-1,Cardlology-1 Gastroenterology-i,Nephrology – 1,Pulmonology -1 Rhernatology/Neurology/Oncolog y-1,Surgery Allied 1-1, Surgery Allied 11-1, Emergency-1,  20
Senior Registrars (Medicine -2, Surgery-2, Gynecology – 2 , Paediatrics-1, Eye-1, ENT-1, Anaesthesia-1, Orthopedics-1) 11
Medical Officers, Medicine-4, Surgery-a, Gynaecology-4, Paediatrics-4, ENT-3, Eye-3, Orthopedics-2,Psychlatry-1, Dermatology-1, Surgery allied -2, Radiolgy-1, Emergency -3) 32
Pharmacist 3
Psychologist 3
Statistician 1
Laboratory Technicians Medical College 11
Laboratory technicians Hospital Laboratory 6
Radiology Technicians Hospital 4
Store keeper 7
Computer Operator 10
Museum Curator (Anatomy -1, community Medicine-1) 2
Dissection Hall Attendant 2
Matron I
General Nurses 30
Nursing Assistant 20
Housekeeping Staff 10
Security staff 12
Boys Hostel warden 3
Girls Hostel warden (female) 1
Manager Finance (Medical College 1- Hospital 1) 2
Cashier 6
Human Resource Manger 3
Students Affairs Manager 1
Clerical Staff 10
Office Boy (Peon) 6
Cooks 2
Librarian 1
Assistant Librarian 2
IT Manager 1
Assistant IT manager 1
Eieetro Medical Technician(EMT) 2
Bio Medical Engineer 1
Telephone Operator 4
Security In charge 1
OTA (operation Theater Assistant) 8
Anesthesia Technician 5
Purchaser 2
Dispenser 3
Procurement Officer 1
Washer man 2
CSSD/OT Technician 2

Terms & Conditions:

  1. The eligible candidates may apply on prescribed format within 15 days from the publication of the advertisement. The candidate shall provide the copy of testimonials at the time of test/ interview.
  2. Candidates already in Govt Service shall apply through proper channel.
  3. Since the appointments will be on contract basis under the provisions of Govt Act, 1924, therefore, proper contract (elucidating all terms and conditions) shall be executed for faithful execution.
  4. Only short listed candidates will be called for interview no TA/ DA will be given.
  5. Late and incomplete applications will not be considered.
  6. The salary will be as per Market pattern to be approved by Cantonment Board.
  7. All the above posts shall be filled up purely on merit.
  8. Medical College Basic Sciences and Clinical Faculty applicants should be registered with PMDC and should fulfill PMDC applied for faculty post eligibility, qualifications, experience, publications and other legal requirements.
  9. Those applicants who had earlier submitted application for the LCB medical College and LCB Teaching Hospital faculty and other staff posts don’t need to reapply.

Address: Lahore Cantonment Board, 42, Sarwar Road, Lahore Cantt.


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