Jobs in Public Sector Company Islamabad


Latest Jobs in Public Sector Company Islamabad April 2020

A public sector company based in Islamabad requires the services of qualified, energetic and self-motivated candidates on regular basis as mentioned below:


 Required Qualification and Experience

  • Bachelor’s Degree in Engineering from a HEC’s recognized University in relevant field.
  • Minimum two years experience in the relevant field in an Organization or a firm of repute in public.
  • Registration with PEC is mandatory.


 Required Qualification and Experience

  • 2nd Class Masters Degree in Commerce & PIPFA Qualification.
  • Five years experience in post in BPS-16 or equivalent or above
  • in Audit and Accounts in Government/ Semi-Government Organization or fine of repute in public or private sector.


 Required Qualification and Experience

  • Second Class Intermediate.
  • 040 wpm speed in shorthand and typing


 Required Qualification and Experience

  • Metric Second Class.
  • In case of Selection 03-Weeks basic IT Training Course (including MS Office) conducted by NITS should be done within one year


  1. All the recruitment will be observed as per Establishment Division’s Policy on website and vide Office Memorandum No. F.53/1/2008-SP, dated 22-10-2014 as amend. on 21-09-2017 and 27-12-2017 and Mechanism dated 16-01¬2015, 03-03-2015, 11-05-2017. 18-08-2017 and 04-03-2019.
  2. Application/ Deposit Form can be downloaded from UTS Website:
  3. Pay Test Fee Rs 140/- online at bank branches of HBL, UBL and Bank Alfalah as prescribed on application form. Deposited Fee is non-refundable/ non-transferable.
  4. Applications will be accepted only on prescribed application form of M/s Universal Testing Services.
  5. Application on prescribed form must reach to UTS Office within 15 days of publication of this advertisement.
  6. Application received after due date will not be considered.
  7. Candidates am required to send their applications on prescribed form along with online deposit slip (in original) to Universal Testing Services (Pvt) Ltd., 278-A, Main Nazim-ud-Din Road, F-10/1, Islamabad, Pakistan.
  8. Employees of Government/ Semi-Government Bodies/ Corporations should forward their applications through proper channel.
  9. General age relaxation of 05 years shall be allowed as per government rules.
  10. No TA/DA shall be admissible for written test/ interview.
  11. All quotas including provincial, regional, women, minority, disable as per government rules are applicable. Candidates will be considered on the basis of their domicile as mentioned against each vacancy. Disable persons and women are encouraged to apply.


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