Jobs in Pakistan Halal Authority (PHA), Ministry of Science and Technology


Latest Jobs in Pakistan Halal Authority (PHA), Ministry of Science and Technology june 2020

Applications are invited from Pakistani Nationals for the following vacant positions in the Pakistan Halal Authority (PHA), Islamabad under the administrative control of Ministry of Science and Technology, Government of Pakistan on the prescribed format.

Dy. Director (BS-18)

  1. Regulation
  2. Finance
  3. Technical / Halal Standers

Assistant Director (BS -17)

  1. Imports / Exports
  2. Audit
  3. Admin
  4. Regulation

Field Inspector (BS – 17)

Terms and Conditions:

  1. For application and other details please visit MOST website
  2. Degrees must be obtained from HEC recognized institutions.
  3. All vacancies will be filled on merit basis / observing regional quota as per Govt. Rules.
  4. The selected candidates will be posted anywhere in Pakistan.
  5. Those already in Govt. Service must apply through proper channel.
  6. The age relaxation will be given as per Govt. Rules.
  7. No TA/ DA will be admissible for test / interview.
  8. The Authority reserves the right to stop the recruitment process at any stage.
  9. Application submitted by hand will not be entertained.
  10. Applications on prescribed format may reach to Deputy Director (Admin) Pakistan Halal Authority, Ministry of Science and Technology, Ground Floor, 1-Consitution Avenue, G-512, Islamabad within 15 days of publication of this advertisement.


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