Jobs in Ministry of Industries & Production


Latest Jobs in Jobs in Ministry Of Industries & Production May 2020

In pursuance of the Honorable Supreme Court of Pakistan Judgement dated 8-11-2018 in HR case No.3654 of 2018 read with relevant clauses of Companies Act, 2017, Rules & Regulations under it, Ministry of Industries & Production has initiated the process for nomination of Independent Directors (Private Sector) from all provinces including GB&AJK on the Board of Pakistan Institute of Management (PIM), Karachi Iota term of (03) years.


  • PIM is mandated to provide national management development programme for industrial and commercial under-takings in the private and public sector. Major function of PIM is to conduct management courses, training and consultancy.


The interested candidates from all provinces including GB&AJK who fulfill the following criteria may apply for nomination of Director on the Boa. of Governors of PIM:-

  1. Criteria for determining a “Fit and Proper Person” under Rule 3(7) of Corporate Governance Rules, 2013 (amended from time to time), which is also available on the website of Ministry of Industries 8, Production
  2. Age must be below 62 years on the last date of submission of application/CV.
  3. if) Familiarity with the complexity of large, medium and small scale
  4. Experienced Chartered Accountants with proven record of work with relevant sector.
  5. Lawyers with work experience of corporate Sector.
  6. Successful entrepreneurs who have set up and run private business in the relevant sector preferably experience of BoD.
  7. Retired Government Officers BS-21 and above/retired Army Officers in the rank of Major General and above.
  8. Preference will be given to those candidates whose names are available at the database of the SECP authorized website of Pakistan Institute of Corporate Governance (PICG) ( any other information relating to Pakistan Institute of Management (PIM), Karachi, the website of the institute can the visited (
  9. Applications containing full CVs may be sent to the following email within 15 days of the publication of this advertisement ( Female candidates may also apply. Evaluation/scrutiny of the CVs will be carried out in accordance with the relevant provisions of Act/Regulations/Guidelines.

Deputy Secretary (PSD)
Ministry of Industries & Production
Room No.117, D-Block Pak Secretariat, Islamabad


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